Massage gums

During growth of teeth your baby's gums itchy. The baby pulls everything in his mouth and tries to chew. To carry out the massage of gums in different ways. First, you can give the baby a crouton or drying. In this case, care must be taken that the child does not bite off a big piece and choked.

Secondly, on the shelves of children's shops is now a lot of different teethers. In most cases they are made of silicone of different density or similar materials and have the relief. Sometimes there are soft toys, some of which is made in the form of teethers (for example, pens rabbit can be specifically designed to massage the gums of the baby). Some teethers are filled with fluid. These can cool in the refrigerator or under running cool water and then give to baby to chew. As you know, the cold eases the pain. Teether should be comfortable for the little hands of the baby and easily fit in his mouth (some models are too thick or massive).

It is not necessary to give the baby to chew on a pacifier or the nipple of the bottle. They can easily break sharp baby teeth. In this case, the nipple or a pacifier will throw in the discontinuities of the silicone and the rubber is starting to highlight unsafe substances.

Gels for teething

There are many types of anesthetic gels. Most of them are based on lidocain. These are the gel, as for example "Kalgel", "After" or "Holisal". They relieve pain in the gums when applied topically. Before using gels, be sure to read the instructions and contraindications. They act quickly enough. From the disadvantages include high cost, tolerance to lidocaine (it ceases to act in frequent use) and the risk of Allergy.

The cheaper option is the use of gels, plant-based (for example, a "Baby Doctor"). As in the case of the above, herbal preparation, you may receive an allergic reaction. For some kids, this gel will help, and some will have no effect. In this case, all individually.

Antipyretic and analgesic

In case of fever teething or pain relief can be used drugs such as "Panadol"or "Nurofen". They are available in the form of syrup or candles. It should be remembered that these drugs have a heavy load on the baby's liver, so they can't be used more than a few days. It is imperative to read the instructions before you give painkillers to the child. Each such drug has its own dose for a certain age of the baby and limit the amount of time it is possible to apply it.

To pain syrup or candles it is better to resort in extreme cases. For example, when severe pain the baby is not sleeping through the night.

Other ways to ease the pain of teething

There is a homeopathic remedy designed specifically for use in the period of teething, – "Vibracal". This candle is plant-based with complex action: analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The best effect of this drug gives, if applied within a few days.

To relieve inflammation of the gums, helps wash the baby's mouth chamomile extract or drink chamomile tea. Analgesic effect also has been sucking, so teething can often give the baby breast or bottle.

Each child will help a certain way to ease the pain of teething. There is no universal recipe. Young parents need to have patience in this difficult period and look for what will help their baby.