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  • How to name a black kitten boy
    When the house is a fluffy addition — kitten, one of the primary challenges is choosing a name for your new family member. Don't want to name the baby anyhow! But it is especially difficult to choose a nickname, if the kitten is black. After all, a black cat – a very unusual creature... So how to call your pet amazing?
  • How to return the escaped parrot
    Open Windows, not closed doors of the cells, the carelessness of the owner – all of which can cause your winged pet suddenly leaves home. But as soon as you notice the disappearance of a parrot, don't panic, it is still possible to return. For this you will need a lot of patience, free time and the help of your friends.
  • How to treat ringworm in cats
    Common skin disease cats – ringworm is not a sentence. Now there are many ointments and medicines, which quickly and successfully cope with the disease. It is sufficient to observe some rules of hygiene, regularly treatment of wounds. A sick cat should be isolated in a separate room.
  • How to make two cats
    You already live alone, male or female. But suddenly you decide to adopt another furry friend, or you gave it to friends at the time of his vacation and asked me to look after him. No matter for what reason you have another tenant, now you are faced with the problem of the Dating of the two cats. How to make it so that animals get along with each other and not wrecked the house trying to figure things out? Because cats have such different personalities. Someone would take the emergence of a new cat, and someone will be defensive.
  • How to fatten up a weak kitten
    Sometimes in a litter of newborn kittens comes across a weak baby. Active brothers and sisters to displace him from the nipple, and the mother cat often ignores the kitten, giving preference to strong offspring. In the end, a weak animal may die. But if in time you notice it and take the question of power in their hands, baby is quite able to gain weight and restore health.
  • How to feed a rabbit
    Meat rabbits is a useful dietetic and even medicinal product. Meals of postoperative patients, as it absorbed the meat is 96%, and pork or beef - only 60%. Preparing it is easy and simple. To the rabbit meat was more tender and tasty, the rabbit you need to feed, give to tie fat.
  • How to treat worms in Guinea pigs
    Guinea pigs are Pets that have a relatively good health and resistance to most diseases. However, it should not too lightly these furry animals. If Guinea pigs bred worms, treating the disease should immediately.
  • Where do ticks bite
    Not long ago, the mites seemed like a gimmick and were mainly found in the taiga. Today these parasites moved in our cities. Where you can often find a tick on your body and how dangerous its sting is to know everyone.
  • Harmful than the fire ants
    Fire ants appeared in the kitchen, can cause not only the aversion of the household, but also cause serious harm. In addition, their appearance in the house carries a risk pet.
  • Why are chicken eggs different colors
    Store-bought and homemade chicken egg is a natural product. They may have differences in regard to diet and conditions they are producers, that is, chickens. When buying eggs it is necessary to select only fresh samples.
  • How to choose a good puppy Spitz
    Pomeranian charming dog with a fluffy coat and independent character. This miniature dog is perfect for the urban population and will become a real decoration of the house. Not to be mistaken with a choice of pet carefully study his pedigree and look to the puppy.
  • How to treat colitis in cats
    Activity and good appetite in cats have not say that she is completely healthy. Some diseases may not be reflected on the appearance of the animal, its lifestyle and behavior. Such diseases include colitis.
  • What cats think about people
    Cats are adorable Pets. Behind them is interesting to watch, to play with them, pet their soft body. Often, owners see them as a wonderful soft toy. But cats are wise animals, they are very learned people and have learned to manipulate them. And, of course, each cat has their opinions about the owner.
  • How to treat itching in dogs
    Some dog owners notice that beloved pet suddenly became excessively comb and lick the skin. Skin itching animal brings discomfort, and sometimes can lead to complications. The reasons for this behaviour: ranging from hair loss to serious fungal disease.
  • How to call a dog husky
    Husky is a strong and hardy dog with an impressive appearance and great dignity. If you purchased a dog, pick her a suitable name. Nickname should be unique, bright and beautiful – the same as the husky.
  • How to know the age of the tortoises
    Land turtles live on average in captivity is about 40 years. With proper care and the absence of disease turtle can live at home more than 50 years. How to determine the age of a turtle, which recently became your pet?
  • How to treat wavy parrot from the cold
    Parrots are one of the most resistant to the diseases of birds. However, they can get cold due to fluctuations in room temperature, drafts, cold water in the troughs. Owners should immediately start treatment, because disease have small birds occur rapidly.
  • How to treat a runny nose in a cat
    Cats, like people, can get cold. So you can imagine how bad your pet in this condition. A cold usually goes away by itself in about a week. But you can significantly alleviate your pet's status by adhering to the following recommendations.
  • How to cool the water in the aquarium
    Every summer, aquarists are faced with a big problem – the need for cooling water in the aquarium. The problem arises not only because the water temperature becomes uncomfortable for the fish, but because the water decreases the oxygen content, along with the increase in carbon dioxide. Ways to cope with letney heat, there are several.
  • How to build a turtle tank
    Turtle is the right pet for those who are attracted to a calm and unhurried creation. But their content has its own quirks. For example, as amphibious and on land the turtle is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the detention as they are unable to walk with the man through the apartment, as well as a cat or a dog. What is required for the maintenance of the home turtles?
  • How to fill out a veterinary certificate
    "Without paper you're an insect", says a famous catch phrase. It can be used in relation to cats and dogs who need the document proving the identity, i.e., veterinary passport, which includes all the information about the animal.
  • How to identify a female turtle
    To determine the exact gender of a turtle is very difficult, and it is possible to do only at a later age, when the turtle will be 6-8 years, and the size of the shell to be 10 cm And it would be easier to determine the female, if you had a lot of turtles, harder to do it with just one animal. However, having studied some of the outward signs, you will easily be able to identify the female turtle.
  • How to measure a dog
    You may need to measure your dog to buy or make her clothes. In order to choose the couch or the kennel to buy a comfortable harness. Largely all of these measurements will be similar but each will have its own nuances.
  • How to treat fungus on skin the cat
    In cats at any age may experience different manifestations of the fungus. The main thing for the owner to recognize and properly treat skin fungus in cats. After all, incorrect treatment, or its complete absence is fraught with grave consequences for the pet.
  • How to feed broiler chickens
    Like all other hybrids, the broiler Chicks are known for growing fast, but not too high resistance to the different infections and diseases. To broiler grew healthy and plump, it is necessary to correctly feed: food for these chickens must be as balanced as possible.
  • How many live Pets unbearable
    The life expectancy of Djungarian hamsters is not that high and depends on the conditions of maintenance and care. This should be considered before purchasing the animal. Below animal lived happily ever after, you should abide by the rules necessary for its existence.
  • Which fish in the Volga
    Once the Volga was another ancient name of the river RA. In the old days in the river were found large quantities of fish of various kinds. Many of the species have survived in its waters today. What fish can catch the fisherman in the Volga Delta at the present time?
  • How to knit a Scottish fold cats
    Scottish fold cats have adorable "baby's" eyes, beautiful body, silky hair, kind and sociable disposition. And, of course, touching the folded ears is the main attraction of Scottish fold cats. Future breeders who wish to get a good kittens, you need to do everything to get offspring with these distinguishing breed characteristics and to avoid possible defects.
  • Why does a cat have climbing coat
    Hair loss in the process of molting is a natural process for cats. Shedding in healthy animals occurs 2 times a year, early spring and late autumn. Prolonged and excessive loss of hair can signal a dangerous imbalance in the body of the animal.
  • How to treat gums cats
    Unfortunately, diseases of the mouth, teeth and gums are common among domestic cats. The owners of furry Pets should be able to identify the disease and begin the correct treatment.