You will need
  • - service contract with a telephone company;
  • - payment receipt for the phone;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - telephone directory;
  • - the passport.
Find a service contract with the company providing you services. Perhaps the number you supports the ATS or any other telephone numbers which will give you the necessary information.
Carefully examine the receipt on payment for telephone use. Most of them have a contact number by calling on which you can find out various information you need, including what automatic telephone exchange is the service area in which you reside.
Call the help Desk by phone 09 or 090 (mobile phone). Ask them to give you the phone number of the company providing you services. Call him, ask what station is your area.
Check with neighbors, maybe someone knows the number.
Visit the Central Telegraph office in your town. Call your home number and ask them to provide you with the information you need.
Buy telephone directory in print and search under "Communication" the phone numbers of various exchanges of the city. Call one of them, calling your number, ask which station you belong to.
Use an electronic directory, which will contain the phone numbers you need organizations. For example, it may be a directory "Doublegis", in the databases which has data for all the major cities of Russia. This program also works in online mode and has a version for installation on a mobile phone.
Open the official website with background information for your city. To do this, simply enter a search string in your browser the name of the locality in which you reside. Look at the resource sections "Telephony", "Communication", etc., Call on any of the provided phone and calling your number, ask you to help.