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- How to get to the Baltic station From the Baltic station of St. Petersburg sent mostly commuter trains. From here you can drive to the amazing suburbs of the Northern capital – Strelna, Peterhof, Oranienbaum, Krasnoe Selo and Gatchina. From here the train to Ivangorod, then got to the Estonian border. There are several trains in the neighboring regional centers, Pskov and Novgorod.
- How does the airport in Krasnodar The airport "Pashkovsky", located on the Eastern edge of the city of Krasnodar, is the largest volume of traffic in the South of Russia and the seventh in terms of passenger traffic in the country. Always useful to know how the airport operates in one of the cities of the black sea region.
- How to see all the sights of Saint-Petersburg Petersburg – city in Russia in number of attractions. It is also called the Venice of the North due to the large number of rivers and canals. Therefore, to fully appreciate the beauty of the city, see the magnificent fountains and the bridges, it is better to come in summer. But in winter you never be bored here. To see all the fun, plan your trip in advance, and shall describe the event.
- How to rent a house in the private sector in Lazarevskoye Lazarevskoye is a small resort village, which is included in the line of the Big Sochi, however, let this not be deceived - Sochi itself is a more than 50 km away, Is a popular place where every year spend their holidays many people who prefer a quiet family holiday. The village stretches along the highway of Federal significance which connects Sochi with the center of the country, and even with its outskirts you can reach the beach on foot, spending a maximum of 20-25 minutes.
- How to get to the airport in Ufa When you arrive in an unfamiliar city, for example, in Ufa, it is difficult to navigate the local transport. So you need to know how to get to major transport nodes, such as to the airport.
- How to take a bus to Yaroslavl Yaroslavl has a direct bus service to many localities in the region or beyond. This allows you to reach it a direct flight or stopover in other cities.
- How to know changes in the schedule of trains Rail transport at all times been and remains the most affordable for most people. Especially if you are going to rest on nature or just to go to a friend's cottage or in a nearby town. However, not to sit at the station while waiting for the right train, check in advance the timetable.
- How cheap to rest in the South Most of the territory of Russia is located in the cold climatic zone with a long and harsh winter. And the inhabitants of the temperate zone are not spoiled really warm weather. Not surprisingly, the Russians dream of a vacation in the South. Swim in the warm sea, sunbathe, eat plenty of fruits, admire the lush nature of the South, finally. But, alas, it is expensive and not everyone can afford.
- How to relax in Bashkiria Bashkiria is an amazing place with its plains and endless steppes, cliffs covered in dense oak or pine forests, flowering valleys and waterfalls. So we can safely say that the landscape of Bashkortostan is very diverse, striking in its extraordinary beauty. It is no coincidence that it attracts a huge number of tourists, natural and cultural attractions draw people to this Sunny region.
- Where to go in Khabarovsk Khabarovsk is the administrative, cultural and industrial center of the Far East. Even geographically it occupies a Central place on the map of this region of Russia. This is a beautiful, distinctive city. There are a lot of historical sites that you can visit during excursions. Wonderful zoo has a surprising variety of animals. There are a lot of places for active rest. Lovers of night life clubs and bars.
- Where to go in Togliatti Tolyatti is a city in Samara oblast, located on the left Bank of the Volga river, directly opposite the picturesque Zhigulevsk mountains. Its history is from the 18th century. Then he was a guard castle, which was intended for the resettlement of baptized Kalmyks and defense of the Russian lands from the invasion of nomadic peoples. Subsequently, Togliatti has grown and today it is a major industrial, economic and transport.
- Where to go camping In camping especially in need of urban residents. Unfortunately, most often they are closed in their circle – work-home-work, only occasionally allowing themselves to visits to cultural events and in rare cases, attacks on the nature on shish kebabs.
- Where to go in the summer To think about summer holidays need to advance, because good training means a lot. Slowly, prepare all necessary documents and read the reviews of seasoned travelers about various unexplored places on the planet. For those who want to go on vacation with the whole family, it is better not to risk and drive to famous resorts.
- Where to go in Barnaul Barnaul is cultural and historical center of Altai Krai. He rightfully earned the title of most comfortable cities of Russia. Lots of greenery and flowers, neat manicured streets, historic architecture and beautiful modern buildings - all this is the face of the city. In Barnaul a lot of places where you can spend a wonderful time.
- Where to go in Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk - a city of unique natural and man-made attractions. Gorky Park, regional Library, city of sculpture - will be interesting to lovers of cultural education. Siberian natural beauty, such as Black Hill, beaver log, and of course, Krasnoyarsk Pillars will delight nature lovers.
- Where to go in Kaliningrad Kaliningrad can be called, without exaggeration, one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in Russia. Unique location, rich history, proximity to cultural traditions of Europe: all this makes the city very attractive for tourists. Even if you have very little time for a visit, you can always find plenty of great places to visit in Kaliningrad.
- How to reach Morocco In Morocco there are 5 airports that host international flights. To fly there you must have a valid passport, a visa for a tourist visit less than 90 days is not required.
- How to fill out the questionnaire in Lithuania Among the documents to be submitted for obtaining a Schengen visa to Lithuania, and there is a statement in the form of a questionnaire. From the correctness of filling largely depends on a positive decision on the issuance of entry permits into the country.
- How to choose a ticket To choose the right ticket, you need to understand what you want from the trip. Main criteria – comfort, cost and speed of travel. Additionally, each has its own specific preferences. For someone the most comfortable option is the plane, someone who likes trains, the third has no choice, as between some settlements run only buses.
- How to fly to Chile To reach the Chile, the Russians enough to buy a plane ticket and have a valid passport, because to visit the country for tourism purposes for a period not exceeding 90 days visa is not required.
- How to assemble automatic tent For overnight stay during road trips or travel of the transition to collect in the field tent for some 1-2 minutes is what you need. And conveniently and without much effort. So before you go on an expedition or go on a long trip, armed with information about how going automatic tent.
- How to fly to New Zealand Currently, to get to New Zealand, certainly easier than, for example, 200 years ago. But in any case, this trip will tire the traveler, because the distance from Moscow to Wellington (the capital of New Zealand) is 16 564 km.
- How to fill out a form on the passport of the retired A few years ago retired and could not imagine that the time will come when they will be able to travel abroad. But the times of the "iron curtain" remained in the distant past, and now everyone can make a trip to another state. For this you only need to obtain a passport.
- How to reach Tenerife Tenerife one of the Canary Islands. The city of Santa Cruz deTenerife – the capital of the island. This place, famous among lovers of comfortable rest on the sea in Europe at relatively reasonable prices. On Tenerife has about 220 thousand people.
- How to calculate vacation days Vacation – long-awaited time, but not all and not always know, how should these long-awaited days to pay and provided. Detailed rules of calculation prescribed in the Labour code, however, as with any enactment, the Code is difficult to understand, so the main provisions regarding the calculation of holiday we will explain.
- How to get to the expedition Relaxing on the beaches of Turkey or the côte d'azur attracts only the beginning. Over time, a lying way to spend your vacation pretty boring. Of course, you can go to the shops and museums to see, but much more interesting for once in your life to experience a real scientific expedition as a member.
- How to obtain a Schengen visa on their own Schengen visa can be obtained in 24 countries. These Are Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Finland, France, Sweden, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Malta, Switzerland. Having a visa to enter one of these countries, you can also visit any state from the list. Schengen visa issued in a travel Agency, but it is possible to obtain it independently.
- How to get the card Aeroflot Bonus To obtain a card "Aeroflot the Bonus" any person who uses the services of the company "Aeroflot". Map receive in the mail after registering in the program "Aeroflot Bonus" and complete the questionnaire.
- All about shopping in Rhodes Rhodes – a beautiful Greek island every year to relax and discover millions of tourists visit. However, this place is great for fast and high-quality shopping. It turns out that in Rhodes you can buy national Souvenirs, high-end products and designer labels.
- Getting to the Swallow's nest in Crimea Swallow's nest is a very picturesque place on the Peninsula of Crimea, in Gaspra village. And built this miniature castle was in the second half of the XIX century. Swallow's nest is right on the Aurora cliff with a height of 40 meters at Cape AI-Todor.