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  • How to seal plastic watering can
    In order to seal plastic watering can, you first need to thoroughly prepare the surface and to find the right glue to the join is firmly held and not given re-crack or fracture.
  • The battery "Krona" " what is this?
    Batteries "Crown" appeared in the Soviet Union, but are still in demand. This element of power is indispensable for devices with higher energy consumption, as it delivers a current of far greater magnitude in comparison with other batteries.
  • How to use a sewing machine
    The ability to sew was always appreciated. And even today, when the range of garments in the shops big enough and able to satisfy even the most capricious fashionistas, sewing remains one of the most popular types of needlework. Moreover, things made by hand, now in a great fashion. But not every school girls learn to handle the sewing machineso that to master this science, many have their own.
  • As for the eye to measure out 5 grams of salt
    To determine the weight of 5 g of salt on the eyes in several ways. The most common of them is with a spoon, a knife or a pinch, this is not always necessary to have a special kitchen scales or measuring blade.
  • How to fill in the cracks between the tiles
    For sealing gaps between the tiles using a special grout or waterproof sealant. Qualitatively to make this work, you need to read tips from professionals. They will help to avoid mistakes.
  • How to solder copper
    The ability to solder — not the last thing that should be able to perform every man. These skills can be useful in everyday life while connecting wires and components of circuit diagrams or repair car radiator, and in the production — the installation of copper piping.
  • What can replace baking paper
    The purpose of baking paper, that is paper for baking – protection forms or tray from sticking of baked goods. With its use no need to wash kitchen utensils after baking is finished.
  • How to connect the cartridge to the mains
    If you are faced with the problem of replacing the cartridge in the lighting device, do not rush to seek the assistance of an electrician. To connect the cartridge to the electrical network on their own, and it will take very little time. In addition to the tangible cost savings you acquire a useful skill that can be useful in life than once.
  • How to update an Ironing Board
    Ironing Board is very convenient and very necessary, even in an era when clothes are increasingly made of crease-resistant fabrics. However, there is no need to buy a new Board if the old whole, but are broken or burned upper. The Board can be restored.
  • How to get coffee stain from carpet
    Almost every second person is not morning without a Cup of strong flavoured coffee. It coffee becomes the perfect tool to somehow cheer up if you are already late for work. But in the rush and you can pour the drink, for example, on the carpet. And what to do to get rid of the terrible brown spots on the surface of the floor covering?
  • How to increase antenna signal
    To improve the quality of the received image and to catch previously inaccessible channels, do not have to buy a new powerful antenna. The receiving ability of the antenna depends on various external factors, from shape and structure, changing which can adjust the image quality.
  • How to wash sneakers in the washing machine
    Sneakers - athletic shoes, which is often used for everyday wear. They are comfortable for a gym, regular walks, they go to work and to the Institute. But because this Shoe over time does not need regular washing with a sponge, but in a real washing. So, how to wash sneakers in the washing machine and you can do it.
  • How to fix a bread machine? The most frequent malfunction
    Electrical appliances tend to break down. The reason for this may be: improper use, power surges, long term use of the apparatus, the wear mechanisms of the marriage.
  • How to clean gold and silver at home
    Jewelry are available in almost every girl. Over the years, they fade and lose their luster. And because of their purity should be regularly taken care of. Tips will help to clean silver and gold at home.
  • How to equip the lighting over the table
    In most cafeterias dining table lights the chandelier on the ceiling. Whatever the taste of the owners, most likely, they will prefer the lighting over the table. The question is, at what height should to place it.
  • Than harmful mold
    Mold is something quite beautiful, but it causes aversion. It and admire, and hate. Sometimes it is even called the "spit" of the devil. And all because it is very harmful. A lot of people know, but not everyone even guess why.
  • Disadvantages of long-pile carpets
    Braided rugs with a NAP, usually designed for decoration of flooring. In the interior they perform several functions: are the decorative elements, insulate the floor surface and zvukoizoliruyuschie. In the room where the floor is carpet, the feeling of warmth and comfort. Recently, particularly popular with designers are long-pile rugs even have a separate name – shaggy (from the English. shaggy - shaggy).
  • A cappuccino or coffee maker - what to choose
    Who of contemporary people refuse to treat yourself to fragrant coffee for Breakfast? Regular home coffee makers allow to prepare this popular drink, quickly and easily, but some connoisseurs believe that a coffee machine or a milk Frother make coffee more tasty than the standard kitchen appliances. So what unit is best to choose for making a refreshing Cup of coffee in the morning?
  • What flowers not to keep the house
    Home cultivation of flowers for many not just a hobby or wish to refresh the interior, but the real passion, passion on the verge of art: not all colors are combined, not all carry the neighborhood with their own kind, some are dangerous, and keep them in the living room impossible.
  • How to wash off paint with white
    If the fabric has hit the paint, no need to rush to throw the thing. Depending on the type of paint, dirty white clothes, selected the substance that it is fully capable of cleaning.
  • How to heat water in large capacity
    Heating large amounts of water may be needed in different situations, but most often it is used for bathing. In this case, to heat the liquid in small quantities is difficult and pointless, it's best to raise the temperature immediately in a large bowl.
  • How to Shine shoes to a Shine
    Shoes – an important part of your image. Its appearance can say a lot about the habits of its owner, his lifestyle and financial situation. To always look respectable, you must carefully care for your shoes and boots. This will not only give your look presentable, but will also increase the lifespan of the products. To Polish shoes to Shine, it is important to choose the right care products and learn simple tips to clean Shoe materials.
  • How to clean ink from clothes
    Removing a variety of stains from baby clothes is a daily task most moms. And if about how to clean traces of berries, fruits and tea knows almost every woman, the removal of ink from clothing for many seems like an impossible task. In fact, it is not so difficult.
  • How to wash white t-shirt
    Ice, vinegar, salt. These simple tools are invaluable AIDS in the fight for purity. Accidentally touched lipstick or poured ketchup? Immediately remove the stain before it sets.
  • How to clean the pants
    Pollution on your favorite pants is always a problem, because some can be washed out easily and to get rid of problematic. However, most of the stains on clothes you can eliminate at home, without the help of specialists from the dry cleaners.
  • How do I clean nail Polish from clothes
    Varnish is not destroyed under the influence of water and detergents so to wash it will not work. The stain from the material only solvents. Processing spend very carefully, so as not to ruin the fabric.
  • How to bring cat piss couch
    This files most often as Pets get cats or cats who become loyal friends of man. But, unfortunately, the animals are able to give not only joy, but also problems that upset the owners of four-legged friends and bring them some difficulties. One of the problems is a puddle of urine in the wrong place. So how do you get rid of cat urine on the couch and remove the smell?
  • How to wash the dishes
    Washing dishes can hardly deliver a lot of fun, but in the absence of the dishwasher, it's just inevitable. To quickly cope with the task, the use of modern detergents and the right to organize their labor.
  • How to bring the unpleasant smell of shoes
    Bad smell coming from shoes, sometimes leads to desperate people. Disgusting stench can spread not just wearing shoes, but just bought. The desire to get rid of this "disadvantage" of course is understandable, because the scent, others may think that the person is unhygienic.
  • How to turn on a gas oven
    The growing popularity of electric and induction cooking, replacing the usual element of life for many people in our country — gas stove. In some cities, however, such plates are still used because of relatively cheap possibilities to spend in a house or apartment natural gas. To include a gas oven is more complicated than just turning the temperature knob in an electric or induction ovens.