What are the carpets

Carpets are made from both natural materials: silk, wool and cotton and of synthetic fibres: acrylic, nylon, polyester and polypropylene. Natural carpets are more durable, and synthetic is easier to care for. The base of the natural rugs is a dense cotton canvas and synthetic – it's rubber or vinyl. The price of the carpet depends not only on the material, but also on the height of the pile, the longer it is, the more valuable the carpet, all else being equal.

Disadvantages of long-pile carpets

Perhaps the main disadvantage of this carpet is its cost, because the price of 1 square meter of wool carpet medium NAP starts from 800 rubles, while a square meter of rug-shaggy will cost not cheaper than 3,000 rubles.

But most often they are made from a mixture of natural and synthetic fibers, allowing you to create the most intricate color combinations and prolong the service life of such products. In addition, long-pile carpets are not allergens, have stain-resistant and antistatic properties.

Of course, they are not very suitable for hallways and seats in the house – in these cases, the pile will crush very quickly, and wiped, and they formed a well-trodden path. But in the spacious living room with little furniture or in a cosy bedroom or nursery long will be very helpful.
The living room carpets-shaggy can even be placed over a solid floor with a lint-free coating from the carpet, they look very impressive.

How to brush long-pile carpet

Despite the apparent complexity, long-pile rugs are quite easy to care for. Weekly they should be vacuumed, as well as any other carpet. But in this case it is more convenient to use a plastic nozzle of a vacuum cleaner without brushes. However, the conventional nozzle with a brush is also occasionally used to fluff up the NAP of the carpet. With the same purpose, it can periodically shake out.
If the carpet was formed the spot, it should be removed as quickly as possible, so dirt does not soak into the fibers. Clean the contamination from the edges of the stain to its center to avoid spreading the dirt.

Once a year or every six months this carpet should be treated with a wet vacuum. The wrong side also need to be periodically cleaned with a detergent cleaner. For cleaning long-pile carpets use a special dry powder cleaning. Pour it evenly on the carpet and then removed using a conventional cleaner.