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  • How to manually erase
    Despite the fact that the washer is firmly established in the everyday life of modern man, often for one reason or another have to wash by hand. Some knowledge of the rules of this process will allow to achieve the desired result and make your job easier.
  • How to remove the screw
    In the household often have to deal with minor repairs. To fix the faucet, go door to repair the washing machine or the vacuum cleaner – the range of possible tasks is wide enough. During the repair, sometimes you have to face a situation when you need to Unscrew the old one, firmly stuck, the screw.
  • How to clean a coffee maker descaling
    If you love coffee, a good machine for cooking in your home - the device is not superfluous. But unfortunately, like the kettle, the coffee maker from time to time have to clean from limescale. This should be done regularly to serve you faithfully for at least a few years. The cleaning procedure is simple, but it depends on your model.
  • How to get rid of houseflies
    Flies in the house deliver a lot of various troubles. They constantly interfere with sleep, nasty buzz, bite and strive to get into the food. In addition, they are carriers of infectious diseases that can be extremely dangerous to your health. There are many methods to combat flies, but not all of them are safe for humans and other creatures, for example, aquarium fish, plants and Pets.
  • How to clean a hookah
    Hookah in the world has become a very popular pastime, and Russia is no exception. No wonder, because hookah Smoking is considered to safe ways of enjoying the fragrant fruit tobacco. The smoke from it, because it's very moist, not dry throat. But this is only the case if the Bong to care for, wash it and not allow the tube to become clogged.
  • How to bring faded spots
    Faded spots appear because of improper washing. However, do not immediately throw out spoiled thing. Try to get nasty stains at home with the help of improvised means.
  • How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes in the room
    Non-smokers feel the smell of cigarettes, causing disgust. To get rid of it very difficult. The smell of cigarettes quickly eats into furniture, finishing materials, clothes and other surrounding objects.
  • How to clean pine resin
    Of course, pine resin, or as it is called SAP to get dirty quite problematic. This is possible only at a walk in the Park and the woods, setting the Christmas tree for the holidays or working on a construction site. But even if you got dirty, then nothing wrong with that, the clothes throw is not necessary, it is quite possible to clean it up.
  • How to get rid of mold in the bath
    The appearance of mold is a serious problem. It can become a cause of Allergy turning into asthma, Allergy in children, migraines, asthma and cardiovascular disorders. Often becomes one of the causes of destruction of buildings. Mold loves high humidity. Therefore, in the baths, where condensation is common, this problem occurs quite often.
  • How to bring crickets from the apartment
    The sound produced by crickets, can be very annoying, especially if it is monotonous and not stop for days. The insects penetrate in the cracks and fissures, often from basements and cellars, as they are getting a divorce where it's dark and humid.
  • How to remove spots from Coca-Cola
    Coca-Cola is often used to clean smooth surfaces from dust, dirt, or rust due to its composition the liquid quickly to cope with fatty stains , even on clothes. But to get rid of stains left over from Coca-Cola, especially on light fabrics, is not easy.
  • How to remove stains from mayonnaise
    Mayonnaise, when applied to clothing, it forms stainsthat are difficult to eliminate. You can relate favorite thing to the dry cleaners or by yourself to result in neat appearance, using the means at hand.
  • How to wash silicone form
    Soft and flexible silicone mould is a perfect alternative to sheet metal, plastics and even Teflon. They are suitable for the preparation of pies and cakes, aspic and jelly. Silicone is not afraid of the refrigerator and hot oven, and move it from heat to cold and back without any consequences. However these universal forms of problems occur – they are hard to clean from grease, they absorb odors, and sometimes on the surface appear indelible stains, affecting the appearance. Is it possible to clean them and not damage the material?
  • How to clean white carpet
    Carpets light shades are considered impractical – they often need cleaning, the bristles are often left spots on the dark coating is not visible. But the benefit of the white carpet for the interior is obvious – it increases the area of the room, attracts attention to the pieces of furniture, favorably shades the color of other components.
  • How to get rid of mold in flower
    Mold in flower pots can appear for a variety of reasons ranging from excessive watering and finishing transplanting in flower infected with mold spores the soil. If you do not take measures, the spread of mold can lead to the death of a flower.
  • How do I clean superglue from clothes
    If clothes accidentally drops of superglue, do not rush to throw out your favorite thing. You can remove stains with the help of improvised means.
  • How to get rid of rust stains
    Spots of rust are difficult to eliminate. You can try to clean clothes at home using improvised means. If you have no desire to independently conduct the procedure, take the thing to the dry cleaners.
  • How to get rid of ink stains
    If clothing is stained from ink, do not hurry to part with your favorite thing. You can at home to get rid of impurities means at hand.
  • How to get rid of yellow stains from sweat
    Yellow spots can severely damage the appearance of the garments. In addition, they are difficult to eliminate. Therefore, in order to bring the product in a presentable appearance, you will have to make the effort.
  • How to make plexiglass frosted
    Frosted plexiglass is used in lamps, illuminated installations, light boxes for posters, stands, screens for rear projection, and other products. The process of turning transparent plexiglass matte is called matting.
  • How to withdraw spots of PVA glue
    Careless use of PVA glue on clothing, upholstery and carpet can form spots. You can display them in the wash. But if the glue had time to dry, removal will require solvents.
  • How to bleach the pan
    Enameled pots over time, often yellow inside. Of course, it's not scary and they can continue to cook. But if you like perfect purity and whiteness, use one of the following means.
  • How to plant home flowers
    Almost every house is decorated with flowers. They give the interior space cozy and warm. But not everyone knows how to plant a flower in a pot, because each plant requires not only a certain kind of soil, but also individual care.
  • How to get rid of paint on clothes
    If the clothing got stains or paint, try as soon as possible to remove them. The sooner you start, the more chances for a positive outcome. At home, you can remove stains with the help of improvised means.
  • How to wash jeans dye
    If the jeans had a stain from the paint, do not just throw the thing in the trash. Try to clear the material with the help of improvised means.
  • How to clean gold earrings
    Gold earrings tolerate exposure to adverse environmental factors. Therefore, they can be worn for many years and enjoy their beauty. But over time, the earrings become dirty and lose their original luster. To apply to the jewelry shop, try to allow the decoration in order.
  • How to dry your umbrella-automatic
    It is no secret that proper care of things extends their life. This statement is fully true for umbrellas. An important point in caring for them is in how their drying.
  • How to remove foam from hands
    Polyurethane foam is widely used in household and construction. It is a viscous mass, which hardens in the air. Careless use of foam can enter the skin. Do not delay the cleansing process - over time, it will be difficult to remove.
  • How to remove stains from powder
    The key to clean clothes is a good washing powder with a pleasant smell. Not all washing powders meet the basic requirements and in case of careless use cause additional costs. The powders that we use can not only leave behind stains on the clothes, but also pollute the environment.
  • How to water the dieffenbachia
    Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia) is a houseplant with evergreen leaves, native to wet rainforests of Central and South America. The main decoration dieffenbachia are large, brightly colored leaves. Pattern form different tones of green colors, spots and stripes in ivory, which make every leaf of this plant is a real decoration.