Features settings of "Vkontakte"

To close the wall in this sotsialnoy network, you first need to view all the settings that you currently have with the user. At the top left under the logo of "VKONTAKTE" is a list of the main points to control the page: "My page", "My friends" and finally - "My settings". Click on the item.

The top will be the paragraphs: "General", "Privacy", "Warning", "blacklist", "Mobile services" and "Balance". To adjust the visibility of the page is need a first, second and fourth paragraphs.

Before you can authorize, i.e. a password, you need to scroll your page in as a "guest". This is necessary in order to verify the correctness of the chosen setting items (then it is preferable to do this after any changes).

If you do not understand why such manipulations, remember that programs do people-programmers, and from errors nobody is insured. Changes are made regularly, so there is the probability of incorrectly making program modifications. Of course, then correct them, but over this period of time, until you find a BUG (a fault on the website), for example, pictures or other information can be open to outsiders.

Next, you should see who are your friends, since they have individual settings from common. Then under "My settings", sub-tab "General" should mark a tick in the "Setting up the walls" Off the record comment". Notes are placed or removed with the left mouse button.

Regulation in the visibility settings information

In addition, this social network in the settings, there are two important sub-tabs: "Privacy" and "Black list". With the second all is simple - who of guests, friends do not like, it and make. Then these people will not be able to see the information on the page of the user.

In the "Privacy" there is a lot of points, but you, too, can understand. Click on any line, for example, take the first: "My settings" - "Privacy" - "Who sees your basic information to my page. On the right you will see a blue highlight (default glows "All users"), clicking on which shows the list of those who can see the wall: "Friends," "friends of Friends", "Only you", "All users", "Some friends" and "All except..." it is Necessary to choose necessary and click the right mouse button on the item.

By analogy you can set the settings for all rows. Don't forget to check out settings changes the method of logging on to the network without a password as "guest".