From the standard left side menu ("My Profile" "My Friends", "My pictures", etc.), select "My Settings". After loading the settings page you will see a number of tabs at the top ("General", "Privacy", "Notifications", etc.). Go to the tab "Privacy". Find the line "Who can post on my wall". To the right you will see a blue line of "Just friends". Click on it and from the drop-down list, select "Only me". Click on the "Save" button at the bottom.
Go to your page. No one except you will not be able to post on your wall. If you want the wall does not take place, remove all entries. To do this, hover the mouse pointer over each entry, and in the upper right corner click on the x ("Delete record"). Do this for as long as records will be left.
Once you have removed all entries that don't add themselves. To do this, press the button "Share with friends" and "Reply on the page". If the status of the do not click "Share with friends". After you change the profile, delete the entry with a new picture from the wall.
After removal of records from the wall they cannot be recovered. Also, your wall is an important source of news about your activity on the resource "Vkontakte". Your friends will never see in their subscriptions of news which they usually do.
Useful advice
If you don't like the abundance of records on your wall, just limit the range of persons who can have them. To do this, instead of "Only me" in step 1 select "Some friends". Select those friends that you want to see on your wall.