If you want to hide comments on your wall, login to your page "Vkontakte", using the data for authorization. In the upper left corner of the window, a menu will appear where you will see the sections "My page", "My friends", "My pictures, My videos, My music", "My message", "My groups", "Documents", "Applications", "My answers", "My settings". Press the left mouse button on the last section. This will open a window in the top which will find the tab "General", "Privacy", "Warning", "blacklist", "Mobile services", "Balance". Go to the second tab such a click on the left mouse button.
Now in front of you a page where you can set privacy settings. Here you will see the "My page", "wall posts", "my", "Other". In the second paragraph there is a column "Who sees the comments on my posts." To the right of this row is a button "All users". When you click this button, you will see the tab. contains the following items: "Some friends", "Friends and friends of friends," "Some friends", "Everything but...", "Only you", "Just friends". If you want to hide comments from all users, click the "Only me". If you want the comments to remain accessible to your friends, click "friends Only". If you want to hide comments from some people from your friends list, click "All except...", and then select the users who will not be able to see your comments. Similarly, you can allocate access to records by other buttons in front of you.
In addition, you have an opportunity not only hide comments on your page, but also to limit the possibility of their sending. This is done in a similar way, only instead of changes in the section "Who can see comments on my entries," you should make them under "Who can comment on my notes."
There is another way disable the ability to leave comments on your wall. Go to "My settings", select the "General" tab. In the "wall Settings" check the box next to "Disable commenting records." Thus no user will be able to add a comment on your wall.