Remember, when you need to make namaz. It seems not so easy to find the time to make five times prayer daily. In Muslim countries make break at work especially for you so that believers could pray. In a secular country break for prayer, not all will accept with understanding, however, of a man with a strong belief such things don't have to stop.The first prayer is called Fajr, takes place between dawn and sunrise. The second prayer is Dhuhr, held after noon. ASR – before sunset, Maghrib is at dusk, after sunset, Isha – nightfall.You cannot pray at the time when the Sun is at the Zenith during sunset, and between sunrise and before it rises to the height of a spear.
Be prepared to commit to prayer. Before praying we need to do some mandatory action. First, take ablution, partial or complete. In any case it is impossible to pray sweaty or dirty.For prayer we need to choose a clean place. Not necessarily to do namaz in the mosque, you can even pray on the street, if there is suitable for prayer location.People who pray, should be dressed in clean clothes that cover the ankle. You cannot pray in a state of intoxication, although in Islam, alcohol is absolutely forbidden at any time. Person to stand to the Kaaba which is in Mecca. Therefore, before starting the prayerand using the compass, determine which way is the Muslim Holy city.
Remember the number of RAK for each prayer. Is the order of words and actions in prayer. Each namaze number of RAK is different. In the first prayer you need to make 2 Rakaat. In the second, third and fifth – 4. In the fourth prayer, Maghrib, you need to make 3 Rakaat. Read more to learn the text of the prayers from Holy book Quran.