To Barber profession in two ways – to pass short-term courses or to enroll in a specialized school. Short courses are most in demand, because to learn a profession you will be able to just 1-9 months. It is for such a short time you will receive all basic knowledge – options haircuts, styling methods, technology, color and more. Therefore, the courses are full of information. After graduation, students receive the opportunity to practice the acquired knowledge.
When selecting courses, be sure to inquire about the availability of the experimental site and the way you will pass practical training. It is also necessary to know in advance about the possibilities of further employment.
A specialized College or school are another opportunity to get a prestigious profession of a hairdresser. The school can proceed on the basis of 9 classes of secondary school. But College will have a little longer – 2 years.
After College you will receive a diploma and will be able to work in their field. But many young professionals at the end of the school prefer to study further and enhance their skills as masters of the highest category are required everywhere.
For this you can enter higher education or seek specialized training centers. Such centers are preferable to universities, because education is only for the main items that will need future hairdresser in his work. Also during training, it is necessary to practice the famous masters who know the secrets and knowledge of modern technology. This will help you to gain experience and be in demand upon graduation.