Secondary education includes three or four grade of primary school, five classes of secondary school and two secondary schools. After eight or nine years of study (depending on the number of initial classes) in an educational institution, the graduate receives a certificate of secondary General education. His second name is secondary incomplete.
Having on hands the certificate, the young man has the right to continue studying in educational institution and receive full secondary education after finishing 11 classes.
If you have the desire and opportunity to continue their education in vocational school, technical school or College for the purpose of receiving primary or secondary education.
Therefore, receiving secondary professional education is possible when a person has on hand a certificate of secondary or complete General education or initial professional. The initial professional education provide schools and colleges that in the past have been schools.
Secondary vocational education can be obtained not only in colleges but also in the system of higher education, if universities have a program of secondary vocational education. These usually are conducted by individual faculties or colleges in the universities and institutes. After the end of such graduates are often eligible for admission to the third year of the University.