Take a tablespoon of honey, grate a large onion on a fine grater and make this mixture. Massage it in the hair roots of the beard. After half an hour rinse the part with warm water without using soap or shampoo. Procedure is carried out every 3 days.
Narva fresh nettles. If not fresh, buy at the pharmacy dried. A tablespoon of chopped nettle leaves pour 250 ml of water. Allow the infusion to cool and strain it. RUB this infusion into your beard every day before going to sleep. To wash it is not required.
Purchase parsley seeds and RUB them so that you get the powder. Pripudrivania beard this tool every day.
Squeeze the juice of two large onions through a juicer. Dig up the thistles with root. Peel off the root and wash it thoroughly. Finely chop the root with a knife. Make it a broth, adding half a Cup of crushed root in 500 ml of water. Boil no more than 5 minutes and leave to infuse. Strain the broth when cool. Buy cognac. Mix onion juice, decoction of agrimony and 30 ml of cognac. RUB the composition into the beard each day. After an hour rinse with water.
Narva marigold flowers, or purchase dried calendula at the pharmacy. There, in the pharmacy, buy hop cones and crush them. Burdock roots are dig out and finely chop. Take a tablespoon of each of the ingredients and add a liter of water. Simmer for 15 minutes. Drain the broth, strain and cool. Rinse this tool beard every day. Rinse with water is not required.
Purchase 2 dozen quail eggs and 0.5 liters of beer. On a bottle of beer will need 20 egg whites. Mix with a mixer with beer proteins. Apply it on the beard, thoroughly rubbing it into the hair roots. After an hour, rinse the part with warm water. The funds will be enough for several times. Store it in the refrigerator.