Slow hair growth can be a sign of a lack of male hormone-testosterone. To increase the level of testosterone in different ways:

- every day eat a small handful of nuts or sunflower seeds;
- eat more seafood;
- eat poultry instead of pork and lamb;
every day take 20 drops of tincture of ginseng;
- exercise;
- sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
- most are outdoors;
- give up beer, coffee and strong tea. These drinks have substances which suppress the production of testosterone.
Burdock oil nourishes the hair follicle and promotes hair growth. Steam face with steam, leaning over a bowl of hot water. Steamed face put gauze soaked burdock. Oil temperature should be at room or slightly higher. After 1.5-2 hours rinse with a facial oil with soap or foam cleanser.
Stimulating circulation will also help to increase hair growth on the face. Do exfoliate face once a week, applying the scrub in a circular motion. The solid particles are not only well cleanse the skin and saturate it with oxygen, but increase blood flow. A facial scrub can be done independently. To do this, mash in a blender with a handful of coffee beans and mix them with gel or foam for shaving.
Take 500 ml of vodka and add two pods of hot pepper. After the vodka has infused, you can make compresses. Mix 50 ml of tincture with 150 ml of water. The resulting mixture soak a gauze or cotton fabric cut and place on the area where needs to grow hair. In 5-7 minutes wash with warm water. Such compresses stimulate blood circulation.
There are special lotions based on Minoxidil that enhance the growth of hair. But don't rush to use them. These drugs are designed to stimulate the growth of hair on the head, and how the lotion will act on the face of the unknown. If you do decide to use a tool, apply it strictly in those areas of the skin where hair should be.