You will need
  • - age: from 20 to 40 years; - statement on entering the service of the Federal drug control service of the Russian Federation; - the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation; - a copy of military card; - duly certified copy of work record; - duly certified copies of the documents confirming professional or other entity; - duly certified copies of certificates of marriage (divorce), birth certificate next of kin; - the characteristic from last place of work and recommendations; - photos (format 4x6 cm); copy of financial-personal account of the tenant; - excerpt from the book on the family citizen; - data on income and assets.
Find the phone number of management of Federal service Russian Federation on control over drug trafficking in your region. To call the found number and ask for personnel. Turning to the HR Department, tell us about your desire to work in about FDCS. The payroll clerk will assign you a date and time, to provide the address of the drug Control service. Be sure to remember the name of the person you are in dialogue.
Appear at the appointed time in the Federal drug Control service and ask the duty officer to call the HR person with whom you are engaged in a dialogue. If on arrival in the Federal drug Control service you saw the intercom phone, and then find out the number of HR staff. Contact the employee, inform them about your arrival and proceed to the waiting room.
After a conversation with a recruitment officer, you will receive a direction on military-the medical Commission and professional psychological selection. It is advisable that you began to take place the Commission and the selection on the day of referral.
Professional and psychological selection is similar to selection in the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Therefore, employees of the interior Ministry of this selection will go much easier.
Military-medical Commission is familiar to every boy from the age of 16, and here it is no different.
If you successfully pass these stages and in Management FSKN of Russia and its subdivisions vacancies, the chances of your employment are great !