First, contact the HR Department of your police Department and inquire about the entrance to the riot police. There you more accurately explain all the rules of admission to the service. Enrollment is on a voluntary or contractual basis and on different terms of service.
If you fit the criteria, the personnel Department issued direction to the medical Commission at the place of residence and the date of the exam course in physical training. The standard physical readiness of the candidate to serve in the OMON are: push-UPS the push-up position — 10 times the drill press to 10 times pull-UPS — 10 times, hand to hand combat in the PPE — 2 rounds of 2 minutes with one opponent.
Enter the ranks of the riot police is always on a competitive basis. The last stage of admission is the interview with the psychologist and the employee of the employment service. This conversation will allow you to know in detail your features of character, temperament and willingness to work. Should the Commission make a positive impression and don't be shy to tell all the most important aspects of life that are positively affected enrollment for service in the detachment of militia of special importance.