After removing the plaster, take the doctor the direction of the rehabilitation programme at the physiotherapy centre. These centers operate at the district hospitals, and visiting them is absolutely free. They are provided with special exercise machines and exercise equipment that are utilized in rehabilitation programs.
For a speedy recovery to enter into the diet of foods containing vitamins and useful minerals (especially calcium), vegetables, fruits, whole grains and, most importantly, dairy products.
Take special preparations of vitamins, nutritional supplements, mineral elements, calcium (pay attention to those drugs, where the calcium is presented in the most digestible by the body shape).
In order to recover the leg after a fracture, you need to "reshayutsya every day, regardless of, you need to go to physical therapy or not. Start "learning to walk with two to three minutes several times a day, gradually increasing the load. First, you can walk with crutches, then with a graceful cane.
Let's separate the load of the restored foot. This may be very simple exercises, then make them more complex. These exercises will not give the leg muscles to atrophy and restore normal walking.
In order to finalize a course of recovery, it is advisable to spend a couple weeks in a sanatorium specializing in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Talk with your doctor, what the sanatorium similar direction nearby, and necessarily require a doctor's statement referral to treatment (this paper will provide you a place even in the period of mass influx of patients in a medical institution).
Don't forget that a ticket to the resort you can buy independently, and you can try to save money, by application to the Union of the organization where you work (in this case, some portion of the cost of the permit will pay the organization).