The fracture begins to heal almost immediately after the incident. From injury to full fusion of bone goes through four stages. The first stage is the formation of so-called clot. Blood is a viscous mass, which is collected at the ends of broken bones. Of these clots formed fiber will contribute to the coalescence of the bones, like adhesive.
In the second stage of healing a fracture cells clot "treat" the injured surface. Smooths sharp and jagged edges of the bones, fill the cracks in them and connect the two ends of the broken bone together.
The third stage is characterized by the formation of callus. Happening this moment at the seventh (or slightly longer) day after injury. At this time, formed at the fracture site as a result of callus cells remains stationary due to the cast. Otherwise (without gypsum) because of its brittleness it can crack, break again. Over time, this callus will zacatepec and turn into solid.
And final stage of the splice, the fracture occurs in a long time. From three to ten weeks the patient will have to wear at the site of fracture in a cast. At this time, via the blood vessels to the point of fracture, to the corn, will deliver the required splice material. Including calcium, without which rapid coalescence of the fracture will not happen.
At the last stage of healing of the injury there is a complete ossification of the fracture. The bone in this place getting sturdy, durable. The cast, the doctor will remove it, but will warn that this place should be protected even during the year, the fabric is completely healed and the bones have become strong as before the fracture.
Open fractures have caused physicians is much more fear than closed. The fact is that with an open fracture there is a risk of inclusion in the internal tissues of microbes, bacteria that can cause diseases that are difficult to treat. For example, osteomyelitis. In a closed fracture there is no such problem.