On average, the process of bone bonding takes place in the period to 25 days. In comminuted fractures the recovery process takes longer, as originally produced hood bone, and after a plaster.

People of retirement age can wear a cast for up to three months, because with age the restoration of bone tissue protekaet much slower. On the wear time of plaster can be affected by various diseases, which disrupt the bone formation or inhibit mineral metabolism. For example, when collagenoses recovery time of damaged bone is increased at least twice.

How many get the cast off?

The patient can remove, imposed by the therapist to the cast at home. However, this can only happen with the direct instruction of a physician. He should recommend to the patient the exact period the plaster is removed. In addition, the patient after removal of plaster is necessary to undergo a medical check and, if necessary, to carry out the rehabilitation procedure. In most cases, they are mandatory, if the plaster was applied for a period of more than a month. For such a long period of human muscles time to atrophy, and it becomes difficult to perform their direct functions.

How to remove a cast at home?

The therapist puts a plaster on the retaining bandage. To remove it using one of two methods: the use of maceration or dry method. For removal of plaster the second method you need to use scissors or a sharp knife, and in some cases cutters. Scissors or a knife must make the incision in the direction upwards from the inner side of the plaster. When removing the plaster it is necessary to observe safety precautions. Cuts should be done gradually, slowly. In no case do not need to make cuts, keeping the knife sharp side to the body.

After complete cutting of gypsum comes the most unpleasant part — of its immediate removal. The plaster sticks to the hair on the limbs. It is necessary to tear off abruptly, as his gradual withdrawal will bring a lot more pain.

On the part of the body, which was covered with plaster, can be bruising. For the speedy recovery of damaged areas use special ointments which will allow the bruising to resolve faster.

To remove plaster, pre soak it is much easier. It needs a few minutes to hold in the warm water, after which it can easily succumb to cutting with scissors. In addition, the process of withdrawal will not be so painful.