How to develop a knee after fracture

After removing plaster one of the most difficult tasks is to restore the elasticity of the muscles to improve the blood flow. It is recommended a daily massage the knee, grind it using special ointments and gels. Should not be too greatly compress the injured area, so as not to aggravate the situation. If you are sure that you will be able to massage the knee properly, consult your doctor and ask them to teach you how to perform this procedure. At this stage it is also very effective physiotherapy. It is advisable to have them conducted by a professional.

The next stage is simple exercise. Fit walking on the spot, bending and straightening the legs. You can try to walk without a cane. We should not stray too far from home to exceed a speed of 1-2 km/h because of the damaged leg excessive stress can be very dangerous.

Then you can try 3-4 times a week to hold classes on a stationary bike, choosing the most simple programs with minimal load. Such exercises will contribute to a gradual return of muscle elasticity, strength and endurance. If you choose a stationary bike, remember that when you reach the bottom point leg needs to straighten up completely – this is very important for the effective development of the knee.

Next you should move on to more complex options. We are talking about shallow squats, short jumps, as well as on the training on a stationary bike on an advanced level with the additional load. Duration of exercises can be increased over time.

Develop the knee: basic intricacies

It is important to remember that the return of muscle tone gradually. It is not recommended immediately after removal of plaster to use physical exercises and to provide a strong load to the legs. It is important to consult with your doctor to choose the right time to perform the procedures. As a rule, to begin restoring tone is recommended in 6-7 days after removal of plaster. From the most simple variants – massage and light exercise – you need to move to a more complex, but gradually. Haste in such matters is inappropriate.

It is not enough just to develop the knee with the help of massage and physical therapy. It is also very important to consult a doctor choose the correct diet for the entire period of rehabilitation. It is recommended not only to observe a special diet and use of vitamin-mineral complexes that are rich in calcium and phosphorus.