If you like legal work, you should choose law schools. These include: Moscow State Law Academy named after Kutafin; international Law Institute; Moscow University of Public Administration and so on.
When choosing teaching or social activities you'll enjoy the following universities: Moscow State Pedagogical University; Moscow Social-Pedagogical Institute; Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sports.
Wanting to become an economist, you should pay attention to the indicators a passing grade and to have a good knowledge of mathematics. Economic institutions include: Academy of Economic Security Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; Moscow State University named after Lomonosov; Russian State University of Trade and Economics.
If the choice is made in favor of acting, you need to find out the system that is taught in a particular institution. Each theatre training institution has its own rules on exams. For theatrical universities are: all-Russian State Institute of Cinematography; the Higher drama School named Shchukin, the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts.
With excellent knowledge of foreign languages can try yourself in the role of translator, you will approach the Moscow State Linguistic University.
When applying for journalism must undergo a mandatory preliminary interview with all the achievements in the field of journalism – articles in the newspaper, prizes for contests, poems, and so forth. The Department of journalism are in the following universities: Moscow State Humanitarian University named after Sholokhov, Moscow Institute of Television and Radio broadcasting "Ostankino", Moscow State Institute of International Relations.