Need to find phone number and address of the personnel Department of the Main Directorate of the MOE in your area and make an appointment. Need to collect the necessary copies of the documents before admission: the diploma about formation, military ID, passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, at the request of the passport and go to the reception at the specified time.
Human resources specialist needs to talk about vacancies and the requirements to candidates entering the service in MOE. If there is a suitable vacancy, you write the statement on the review of your candidacy.
Selection of employees to work in the MES passes on the results of the competition. Not superfluous to the documents of the competition will be such information as part of a family, awards, rewards, characteristics of the workplace, from neighbours, of the certificate on passage of courses of any additional training, certificates from sports clubs or competitions.
The competition Commission will request information about bringing you to criminal or administrative responsibility. According to the rules, the staff of the MOE are employees of internal troops of Russia, and if there were problems with the Law, it is likely that the applicant will be denied. After a positive decision, you will be notified of the medical Commission.
After the conclusion of the med.the Commission conducted the second phase of the competition, if everything is in order then you most likely will be in the ranks of the rescuers. During the whole time should do physical training. Even if you do not accept, it is superfluous will not be exact. After the first month of work certification. At the end of which you will be awarded with the qualification rank and rank of the employee of internal service of EMERCOM of Russia.