If you want to get a job in the FMS to the position of head assistant (EA), a specialist that provides expert leading the group, you should have a higher education. If you are planning to become providing specialist Junior or middle group, you must submit the diploma about the average vocational education, relevant activities.
You should know the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, other regulatory acts, including of the interior Ministry of Russia, published on matters within the competence of the FMS, the orders of the FMSgoverning its work. You must be able to work with people, conduct business negotiations, to master the skills of business communication and writing, proficient in computer and office equipment, to be able to use the reference and legal systems (Consultant plus, Garant). You can participate in the contest for the vacant positions in the FMS, if your age has not reached 60 years.
In order to get a job in FMS, you should contact the nearest division and submit the documents:- application in draft form;- the application form;- curriculum vitae;- photos of 3x4 and 4x6 for 2 pieces;- a copy of all pages of passport, a foreign passport, the certificate on the conclusion (cancellation) of marriage, birth certificates of children;- a copy of employment record, certified by the personnel unit at the place of work;- copies of documents on education, retraining and raising of qualification;- information on incomes, property and obligations of debt;- a medical conclusion about the absence of diseases preventing the passage of the civil service;- copies of documents of the military account;- the certificate on statement on the account in tax authority (INN).