You will need
  • hydrogen peroxide 3%, "Solcoseryl", "Vulnusan", "Levomikol";
  • - berries of viburnum;
  • - the buds of the black poplar, olive oil;
  • - turpentine;
  • - "Vinilin";
  • - walnut leaves, grass succession, wild strawberry leaves, grass viola tricolor;
  • - burdock root, elecampane root, walnut leaves.
Traditional treatment aims to strengthen immunity, the application of restorative, vitamin therapy. Externally it is recommended: treatment of ulcers with hydrogen peroxide, in the future, the use of drugs, accelerating the scarring – "Solcoseryl", "Vulnusan", "Levamisole", etc.
Come to the aid of traditional medicines. Rapid healing and removal of damaged tissue promotes the processing of their juice viburnum. Apply to the sore 2-3 times per day berry pulp, not forgetting to wash it off with warm water after an hour and a half after applying. Sores heal very quickly without leaving any scars.
Crush 2 cups of the buds of the black poplar to a powder. Pour 120 ml of olive oil and leave it for 2 hours, slow boiling water bath. Cool, strain. Treating the sores with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate them cooked with butter. Sores disappear quickly and leave no residue.
A very effective way to get rid of sores is to spread them with resin. Treating with hydrogen peroxide damaged skin, apply a thin layer of spruce gum. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
No less effective is the use of the finished pharmaceutical preparation "Vinilin", which is also made on the basis of resin. Lubricate 3-4 times a day sores and they heal very quickly.
With frequent relapses of pyoderma it is recommended that the following tool. Take in equal quantity of walnut leaves, strawberry leaves, grass succession, grass violet tricolor, chop and mix. 50 grams of prepared mixture pour into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. Insisting for 40-45 minutes, strain. Take during the day in between meals for 0.5 cups 5-7 times. The course is 5-7 days.
Also to cleanse the body from coccal infections prepare the following composition. Take 50 grams of burdock root, elecampane root, walnut leaves, chop and mix. Pour a tablespoon of prepared composition a glass of boiling water and boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Strain after cooling. Take a glass every 3 hours during the day. Repeat the procedure every month for six months, and you will forget about the sores on a long time.