Seal traces of plaster. Apply to the skin wound-healing composition, cover the abrasion with a piece of gauze and a band-aid on a band-aid, preferably Nude. The masking must be removed in order to monitor the healing process and provide a drying effect.
Apply the sore end. Best suited concealer. If your abrasion is fresh and the thin crust is mostly red, then neutralize it a greenish concealer. Apply the product neat touches, trying not to damage the crust. Liquid Foundation can be distributed at the top and fix the makeup with a layer of transparent powder. In this way it is impossible to hide extensive abrasion, and small completely gone, but the face will look more aesthetically pleasing.
Cover the wound with a hat. If the abrasion is located on the forehead, the easiest way to close a cap or hat. When you are outdoors, this method "works", but the room decided to go with an uncovered head – in this case, you can tie on a forehead a scarf or bandana. Select colors appropriate to your style, pick an acceptable method of tying a shawl and experiment. You can change your image every day – the scarf on the head can be fixed in several ways.
Close abrasion hair. You can release the bangs in one eye – the strands will hide a big part of one cheek. Cut straight bangs – you can mask bruises on his forehead.
Use face art. If you need to go to the celebration, but on the face flaunts the ugly abrasion, you can hide it under a layer of decorative pattern. Select the pattern that will match with your defect form, and apply all his skill to portray on the face of something unusual. Face art will become part of your image, so be careful that the motives are combined with clothing, hair and accessories. The second option – cover the wound with a plaster and apply directly (if the sore is fresh and not crusty). You can close up the abrasion of the special colored sticker of suitable size butterfly, bright flashes, heart etc.