Can wash the eyes with clean water. During flushing, try to keep eyes open, but don't use too hot water. The water should be at room temperature. Rinse the eye until, until the pain passes. Sometimes the discomfort is still present after pulling the mote, but are less pronounced.
Grab a mirror and inspect the eyeball. If you see the speck, take a clean handkerchief or a q-tip and gently remove the foreign object. Instead of the handkerchief suit and a paper napkin from a dense material that does not leave lint.
Can use a natural way of cleansing the tear. Lift the upper eyelid with your finger and hold until you see a tear. Feeling, of course, will be unpleasant, but this method usually works well.
If nothing helps then visit an ophthalmologist. Sometimes a speck of dust falls on the mucous membranes of the eyes, and in the submucosal layer, and delete it from there at home is impossible. The doctor to remove the speck without any problems.
Useful advice
If your eyes are red, use any anti-inflammatory drops that you can buy at your local pharmacy.