In Moscow, Pokrovsky monastery, is the cancer with the Holy relics (remains) of the mother Matron. To pray to these relics every day comes a huge number of people. It is believed that a simple touch to cancer can do wonders: after visiting the relics of Matrona cured seriously ill people, women have family and children, students enter Universities and pass the session... supposed to ask a Lady can even on the small, everyday problems. Sometimes, the Saint's relics are in a pilgrimage to Russia, so the chance to touch them is not only the Muscovites and guests of the capital.
You can buy in the temple icon of Matrona and pray to her. The text of the prayer to the blessed mother (mother) the matron is as follows: "O blessed mother, Matrona, the soul in Heaven before the throne of God your coming wedding ceremony. the body on earth paciaudi, and this year-more than through the grace of the various miracles istockaudio. Look now mercifully having strengthened his saints your eye on us, sinners, in sorrow, boleznej and sinful iskusheniy days its izdevusi, utesi us, the desperate, heal the ills of our fierce, from God to us for our sin opushenija, deliver us from many ills and abstane, our Holy Lord Jesus Christ, prestiti us all our transgressions, iniquity and sin, and we from our youth even to the present day and hour agresion, Yes, your prayers poluchivshie grace and great mercy, let us glorify the Trinity in one God, the Father, Son, and Holy spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen." As a rule, from myself praying add a few words which ask mother to help them (healing, childbirth, marriage and so on).
The day of memory of mother Matrons - 2 may. It is believed that on this date there are basic miracles that the Holy Matron gives to those who ask her about something. During the life of the mother should not refuse the requests of anyone that played even the smallest, everyday wishes. But she is not allowed to simultaneously people have turned to healers and psychics. So, asking about something Matron, should not use more than the help of anyone else.