Relics of St. Matrona

Mother Matrona in life was a simple uneducated peasant woman Matryona Nikonova, suffering from blindness and immobility. She had to wander for nearly a quarter century, but around it at all times – after all, the girl could predict the future and heal. And the woman had a great faith in God. Today the Holy relics are located in the Pokrovsky monastery, who because of this has become the most popular Moscow abode.

Human turn to the relics of the mother Matron in any time of the year places a few hours to pray to the miracle-working remains.

The old women usually ask a good marriage, healing of serious diseases, the help in work, deal with family problems and much more. Also the icon of St. Matrona with a particle of her relics can be found on semyonovskoye cemetery at the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the temple of the Holy Princess Eudoxia of Moscow, located on Nakhimovsky Prospekt. These places are the most visited after the Pokrovsky monastery.

Relics of St. Matrona

Icon depicting the oxbow is also in the temple of the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, which is located on the territory of Shubino. Also Matrona to pray before the icons that are owned by the Church of the Resurrection (Filippovskiy lane) and the temple of great Martyr George Pobedonostsa (Solovetsky monastery).

In churches where there are icons of St. Matrona, also you can pray to the relics of other saints, who are also regarded as miracle workers.

In addition to the remains of oxbow lakes you can drop in the temple of St. Gregory of Neocaesarea (Darbazi), where also the relics of Gregory the theologian and Gregory of Neocaesarea. The Church of St. Martin the Confessor, who is Alexis the New settlement, is the proud owner of a unique relic – the burial of the shirt of St. Matrona. She comes to pray a huge number of people wanting to be healed from incurable illnesses, to find happiness and to avoid various troubles.

On the territory of the Pokrovsky monastery, besides the relics of Saint Matrona, is also another Shrine of relevance to the blessed Staritsa – the icon of the mother of God "perishing". She is not very well known in the secular environment, so it is not worth the long queue of pilgrims, however, this icon was painted by the icon painter with the blessing of St. Matrona of Moscow.