Benefits and compensation

In the order determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, employees have the right to receive free medical care in departmental medical institutions and the free provision of drugs on prescription. In the absence of the medical institution at the place of service or in urgent cases, assistance is in state or municipal institutions. The bodies of the Ministry of emergency situations, compensate the expenses for the assistance provided under contract with the medical facility.

Mothers and pregnant women who are employees of the Agency and fathers who have to raise children without a mother in the event of her death, deprivation of parental rights and other circumstances stipulated by law are entitled to all benefits in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

However, employees and members of their families can exercise the right on SANATORNO-resort treatment, rest in sanatoriums, to undergo preventive measures in the centers for restorative medicine and rehabilitation, as well as the tourist centers of the interior Ministry of Russia. In addition, every year employees and members of their families receive monetary compensation, regardless of the purchase vouchers. Fee for employees and their families is currently implementing in the amount prescribed by laws and normative acts of the Russian Federation. For children payments are made on every child from birth until they have fulfilled the age of eighteen.

Compensation and benefits are provided for recreation of school-age children and their recovery. When using in the service purposes the personal transport. For persons serving in the Siberian Federal district the Urals, the far East, in the far North, payment of annual travel to and from an employee's vacation, and every two years the member of his family.

Another benefit of the acquisition of housing for emergency workers. Soldier with seniority over ten years which entered into housing cooperatives or individual engaged in the construction of houses, should provide the financial aid at the place of service in the amount of 75 percent of the cost of cooperative housing or a loan from the Bank. Significantly increased the amounts of insurance payments to employees in case they obtain in the performance of official duties of injury and disability, and family members - compensation upon death of a soldier.

Extra benefits

In addition to the basic benefits, the Agency can establish additional social benefits and guarantees, depending on the conditions of work and service. Certain types of social guarantees and compensations are stipulated in the collective agreement taking into account the financial capabilities of the organization and local conditions. These include financial incentives in the retirement of civil servants and employees who have special merits before the organization of the system of EMERCOM of Russia.