Numb feet and hands in a dream can indicate internal health problems in the body. This is due to various factors.
To ascertain the true causes for numb limbs should consult a qualified professional.
One of the most harmless and common causes for numb feet and hands during sleep is wrong or awkward posture. It ends a slight tingling of certain parts of the body, which will pass quickly when you change position. As a preventive measure, the experts recommend to avoid uncomfortable positions.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be a cause of the emergence of systematic numb limbs. This vitamin participates in the metabolism of nerve fibers. He is a big influence on the cardiovascular system and the sensitivity of the muscles. Lack of B12 in the body causes numbness and cramps, why in sleep can severely numb and numb feet and hands.
Carpal tunnel syndrome – a disease that often face people who constantly spend time on the computer. The numbness and numb fingers causes the compression of the median nerve. If you take no action, in the future, a tingling sensation may develop into pain.
A pinched nerve can also have a negative impact on the entire musculoskeletal system. For example, numb feet and hands during sleep may be a consequence of such diseases as osteochondrosis.
Neuropathy is a nerve damage which often causes a feeling of tightening in my legs and arms, protruding parts of the foot.
Sudden pain also may accompany multiple sclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, etc.
Rapid cooling and numb extremities can be caused by narrowing of the blood vessels. The reason is poor blood circulation. The progression of this disease may eventually lead to gangrene and the complete overlap of the vessels.
Useful tips
To decrease the sensitivity of limbs can lead to some bad habits. In addition to the temporary discomfort and flowing
certain parts of the body, they can affect serious complications inside the body. Bad habits include:
1. Sitting on the edge of the chair (when the feet are above the floor surface). This position reduces blood flow to the soft tissues of the body, compresses the muscles of the back thigh.
2. Sleep on one side (the arm is under the body). This position can cause temporary numb hands. As a result, the sleep will be disturbed.
3. Seat with "head thrown back". This leads to disruption of the blood supply of the brain. The regular oppression of the vertebral artery may eventually result in numbness of the upper extremities.
4. The position of the "legs". A fairly common habit. During this posture, disturbed arterial blood supply. The result is a numb leg, which increases the likelihood of developing varicose veins.