Constantly cold hands and feet are a problem on first glance frivolous. However, this is unlikely to agree to those who cannot keep warm even in the heat and for whom warm socks – a mandatory attribute of summer. Freezing limbs indicate blood circulation disorders: spasm of the blood vessels or slow blood flow in capillaries. The causes of this condition can be quite harmless, and very serious.

Why hands and feet always stay cold?

In the first place this condition before heavy smokers and those suffering from vascular dystonia (VVD). Smokers can restore the normal operation of vessels, if you once refuse from harmful habits. In the case of VSD, things are a little more difficult, because often doctors can't identify the causes of this condition. In addition to cold hands and feet of vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by such symptoms as dizziness, high or low blood pressure, fatigue, irritability, pain in the heart area. VSD develops on the background of many diseases of the endocrine and nervous system, so the above symptoms is a good reason to visit a neurologist and endocrinologist.

Often the fingers and toes are freezing due to lack of iron in the body, which is the main component of hemoglobin, the protein transporting oxygen. Iron deficiency leads to disruption of energy metabolism and disorders of thermoregulation, resulting in the temperature reduction of the extremities and constant feeling of coldness. To check the level of hemoglobin, you can use the clinical blood test: normal ratio should be 120 g/L. to Compensate for the deficiency of iron in the body is possible through diet and receiving iron supplements on prescription.
A large amount of iron is found in liver, red meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Hypofunction of the thyroid gland is accompanied by a slowing of metabolic processes and reducing the overall tone. People with hypothyroidism complain of drowsiness, weakness, hair loss and increased sensitivity to cold. Consultation of the endocrinologist, thyroid ultrasound and a blood test for hormones help to clarify the situation and to start adequate treatment.

Freezing hands and feet can be a symptom of diabetes – a disease that causes many severe complications. In order to identify this disease, you need at least once in two or three years to pass the test of tolerance of glucose.

Cold hands and feet in normal condition

If the owner of the cold hands and feet did not reveal any diseases, he can advise:
• To organize the food: the food should contain the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Food is useful to add spices that have a warming effect (garlic, ginger, chili).

• Start the day with gentle exercise – this will help to improve blood circulation.
• To strengthen the blood vessels to take a contrast shower.
• Do not wear tight clothes and shoes, so as not to disturb the heat transfer.