If physics is the most interesting for you science, make it their profession - enter the physical faculty. In this case, you need to earn maximum score in physics, as the exam - relevant. The physical faculties are in classical universities and technical universities. But if the first is prepared primarily for future scientists, second engineers, with a focus on future practical activity. You will also need a good knowledge of mathematics. As a third mandatory examination is required Russian language - it has more modest requirements.
Think about entering the Department of Geology. Specialty geologist will give you the opportunity to not only become scientists, but to work in in great demand in Russia oil and gas sector. Core exam on the geological faculty can be either mathematics, or physics, depending on the policy of the faculty. Another possibility to get into the oil and gas sector can be an education in the field of physical chemistry - this specialty at the intersection of science will give you a wide practical knowledge. Usually, specialists in this discipline are prepared for chemical faculties. However, for this course you will need good exam results for chemistry.
If you passed the exam in biology, think about entering the Department of Biophysics. This specialty is closely related to modern medicine, can help you in finding employment in the field of biotechnology, the production of various drugs.
For those who have recruited the highest scores not only in physics, but in Informatics, it is possible to be a specialist in information systems. In particular, Moscow's most famous University - MIPT - for admission to the undergraduate courses on computer security required third exam after computer science and mathematics is physics.