To prevent the appearance of "bone" it is impossible, however, it is possible to stop or at least suspend the process of deformation.
Thus the miracle-insoles or orthotics especially do not count. Of course, they redistribute part of the load on the foot, softening some of the symptoms, but its causes are not eliminated. Prevention of disease can be muscle strengthening.
When the bones come from a longitudinal flat feet, which means that when you stop your arch and the legs get tired quickly, then a good result can be achieved with the help of gymnastics, strengthening the muscles of the leg and foot. But in the case of transverse flatfoot, the situation is somewhat different. There's just too little we have managed muscles responsible for the development of the disease. But in this case, do not despair, strengthening exercises are still very useful. You need to make turns, stop in any direction, circular rotation with them, massage, as well as mandatory daily warm baths. Make this complex the recovery of the feet every day, and then you will be able to halt the growth of bone is very long.
Specialists of traditional medicine recommend also be applied directly to the bone iodine mesh. This will help relieve inflammation and stop the growth of cartilage.
There is another tool that will allow you to get rid of the pain in the bone. Blue onion RUB on a grater, put on a piece of gauze, pre-folded in two layers, and apply to the diseased bone, securing with a bandage. Then put on top of legs, plastic bags and so go to sleep. In the morning wash your feet, dry and lubricate ten percent iodine. Repeat this procedure each day throughout the month.
Wear only shoes on a low heel (shoes without heel to walk is not necessary), mandatory – "breathe".
If the cartilage tissue overgrowing at the head of the metatarsal, begins to turn into bone, "bone" will certainly declare itself to constant pain. In this situation, the operation will help. Today there are many methods of surgical correction of the foot.