First of all, when these nodules need to get expert advice. The dermatologist will determine the treatment strategy on the basis of analyses of the immune status of the patient, stage of the disease and comorbidities. In many cases, with sufficient immunity treatment of shellfish is not required, the nodules disappear on their own within six months after the first lesions.
For small lesions applied mechanical removal of the contents of the nodules contagious mollusk with a surgical curette. After scraping the lesions treated with antibacterial agents.
When nodules are many, they sometimes destroy with the help of high-frequency electric current, electrocoagulation. Or use a freezing the affected tissue with liquid nitrogen, this method is called cryotherapy. In some cases, use laser therapy. Such procedures are rather unpleasant, they are produced with local anesthesia ointments with anesthetics.
In exceptional cases, developing a generalized form contagious mollusk with multiple lesions of the skin, then prescribed some antibiotics and antiviral ointments such as Tazorac", "retin-A", "aldara", "Acyclovir". They are applied to the affected skin once a day usually at night. And in the morning, the skin is washed from the ointment. The course of treatment lasts for several months.
In all cases of infection contagious molluscum it is necessary to strengthen protective forces of an organism, it is recommended taking a multivitamin and immune stimulant. A strong immune system significantly shortens the duration of treatment and prevents re-precipitation.
After identifying the patient's need to examine all family members for the presence of infection, and most importantly, all of his sexual partners. To avoid re-infection mandatory disinfection of personal belongings of the patient, his bedding. To cure you need to withdraw from sexual contact and from visits to swimming pools and saunas.