Akathist in Greek is translated literally as Needlenose singing. What does the term "Needlenose singing"? This solemn hymn, memorable holiday song, which is performed standing up. Is it possible to read the akathist to the sitting? Sitting, listening to or reading the akathist is not recommended. The only exception is for sick parishioners.

The akathist of the Theotokos presents twenty-five stanzas, each stanza means writing songs of praise. Songs of praise are arranged in a certain order, according to the letters of the Greek alphabet. Twenty-five songs include thirteen " and twelve ecosov.

Kontakion in translation from Greek language means "house", "a wand was wrapped a scroll." Kontakion embodies a brief song, which provides concise content of the Christian feast, or ode of praise to the Holy one. Read the kontakion always ends with praise of God, which means "Hallelujah."

Ikos in Greek language means the word "house". Ikos is a lengthy song, giving an explanation of the essence of the festive event. For this reason, the ikos never read on their own, but only together with the kontakion. Ikos necessarily ends with a reading of the exclamation "Rejoice". All cosy end with the same refrain as the first kontakion.

Reading each kontakion should read ikos, which is divided into two parts. The first part develops a particular topic. The second part contains twelve lines, each line starts with the word "rejoice" and includes the song-praise.

Twenty-fifth stanza of the Church and liturgical litany or thirteenth kontakion is considered the address-a prayer to the one who is glorified in the akathist being read three times in a row. After the akathist, should read prayers. Akathist to the most Holy Theotokos is sung once a year on Saturday of the fifth week of lent. Otherwise, this day is called "Saturday of the akathist".

Is it possible to read the akathist to the home? Of course. After the reading of the akathist refers to a cell that is homemade prayers. So you can read them even without receiving the blessing of the priest. Before the reading of the akathist to the need to read all the prayers of the publican (as morning or evening prayer). Then read the akathist, three of the thirteenth kontakion of the first ikos and first kontakion. Then read the prayer of the Guardian angel.