The first bright point in the evening sky Venus appears, though this is not a star. If you want to see it, just after sunset look to the West. Of course, it all depends on weather conditions and time of year, but most often the first to observe that is Venus. It is the second planet from the Sun, some call it the "evening star". Even after a night out on the background of other stars, she pretty clearly stands out, it's hard to miss. However, to observe Venus can be long, only a couple of hours, to the middle of the night she seemed to disappear. Few people know that Venus can be called "the morning star", because there are times when all the stars have gone out, and that the bright point continues to glow on a background of dawn. People sang Venus since time immemorial, worshipped her, praised in poems, portrayed on the canvas. Yes, Venus - planet, but for many, even today, as in ancient times, it remains the "evening star".
Of all the stars brighter for us all shines Sirius, which is why it can be seen before the other in the evening sky. The fact that Sirius is very close to the Ground, of course, if you talk on a cosmic scale. The distance from planet Earth to the legendary star - just nine light years. However, in reality, Sirius is an ordinary star no different from the others. Only because of the small distance of Sirius, it seems magnificent bright giant compared to other, more distant stars.
Many believe that the brightest star Sirius, and the Arctic. If we talk about the visual effect they produce in the ordinary observation of a starry sky, then it is safe to say that Sirius is superior to the Polar star by its brightness. However, you should know that Sirius is actually the Polar star and sloppy.
The fact is that the North star is a supergiant. It is several times heavier and ten times more than the Sun, scientists have calculated that it is two thousand times brighter than his. North star far from Earth, so it is impossible for the naked eye to see its greatness. To an ordinary observer it is just a tiny dot in the sky. The distance from the Earth to this giant is 431 light year, which is ten times the distance of Sirius.