First, you need to specify your data: surname, name and patronymic. This information should immediately be evident, therefore, highlight it in bold. Mandatory date of birth and/or the number of years. Such information will allow to form an opinion about your suitability for the position for which you are applying.
The employer may need information about how to contact you if necessary, so type in the information your contact details: home and postal address, including postcode, email address. Specify contact phone numbers, do not forget to clarify which one is the home and which work. Does not prevent to specify the time when you want to call.
If you send summary email, then enter the same email address from which you send the letter. Otherwise there may be confusion in the correspondence.
The summary should contain an indication of the position for which you intend to do. The titles should match the wording provided by the employer. The wording of the form "I want to be something useful for your company" nothing but bewilderment, cause can not.
The company is looking for a specialist in a very specific position, so you should not specify multiple jobs you're targeting. This will reduce your chances of success.
In the section related to your educational level, please specify what year and which school you graduated from, the specialization diploma. If you have a degree or a title, also write it in information about yourself. Valuable may be the information about passing your courses, even if they were short.
One of the main sections summary is associated with the description of the experience of your professional activities. Enter the workplace name of companies and organizations, position, work experience in each position. It is important to write about the reasons for leaving a position. It characterizes you in the eyes of a potential employer. List of jobs taken in reverse time order.
Additional information about yourself you should write about in foreign languages indicating level. Can also take importance in our time experience with computer and office equipment, the ability to use the Internet. Specify in the description whether you have a driving license and driving experience of the car, its presence.
Personal details provide only if necessary. The basis of the summary should contain information about those personality traits that are important for future professional duties and characterize your business. Try to be more modest, describing himself.
In conclusion, we note that a brief description of themselves on all occasions to do the impossible. What and in what amount to specify depends on the specific situation and related conditions.