You will need
  • drawing paper, pencils
Start the story about myself with the story which turned a page of your life. Tell us, for example, how you entered the Institute or have passed the graduation examinations. Most likely, these events were accompanied by not only your excitement, but "overgrown" real legends. So, this story can be finished by marking the specialty that you received. Hearing your adventure story about admission to the UNIVERSITY or examination, your partner not only know about your education, but also clearly see in you the traits of a resourceful, cheerful person that is always a plus.
Original will tell about you and the hobby. Invite a stranger in "his" environment. For example, you are a teacher of a foreign language. Let your stranger will visit a lesson which you will conduct. Most likely, you won't spend a lot of time, because you need to have time to answer the numerous questions of students. It does not matter. When a person's eyes are burning, and he wholeheartedly approach is more eloquent than any words. A stranger sees you reveals in a conversation with the wards, for example, you are serious, when it comes to learning new material, or how you are cheerful, when the hapless student releases the joke.
Creative. Take graph paper and draw the key moments that changed your perception of the world. Probably, each person happened, key events, after which he began to live differently. For example, the first days at school, meeting a loved one or a trip overseas. Draw as you will, and then invite your friend alone to tell you what he understood from your drawing. Undoubtedly, you will spend a fun time, and the "painted biography" will long remain in the memory of your friend.