Get the status of an individual entrepreneur or create a legal entity. The first way provides for simplified taxation rules, so it choose most aspiring entrepreneurs.
Purchase the necessary equipment, including cars. Rent and buy a place under a Parking lot or garages. Sign a contract on medical examination of drivers on the basis of the medical institution or hire your health professional with relevant expertise.
Apply for a license to passenger transportation. Please contact the transport authority in your city, where you will be informed of the conditions of the receipt of your document. Usually you will be required to demonstrate satisfactory as a car Park and the availability of space for a garage and repair works. In some cities, for example, in St. Petersburg, leaders will have to attend special classes for the organizers of the transportation facilities.
Wait for the outcome of your documents. The process can take up to one month. Upon approval of your application for a license, contact the transport Committee in the administration for obtaining the right to service the route. Every city may have its own specifics of such activities. In some regions if you have multiple applications is the tender which the authority transfers the rights to the best route from its perspective candidates. You can request reciprocal services, for example, provide free or reduced fare for certain categories of the population. To accept or not these conditions are addressing only you, but your choice is limited to the great role of the administrative resource.
Correctly select the route you want to serve. In large cities the fastest profitable routes are those that connect between a remote areas and metro.