You will need
  • Computer, Internet access, an account in a social network.
In real life, meet on clothes, and on the Internet avatar. A good profile picture – 90% of your appeal online. A lot of attention and rave reviews attracted to photos taken by a professional camera and some of the author's "highlight". Fantasize than to attract a guy to your photos, so much so that he is sure opened your page and fully acquainted with the information. But do not let Frank and vulgar photos, everything is good in moderation. Also should not be put in a profile photo where you are standing in front of a mirror and filming themselves on the phone as well as avatars, decorated with pictures from various sites like
Edit information about yourself in the profile. Learn to look at yourself through the eyes of men and to evaluate what is attractive and what is not. Intrigue your potential boyfriend unusual description, without the use of hackneyed and meaningless quotes for inexperienced girls. Of course, tastes differ, but numerous groupies "Eleven minutes" by Paulo Coelho and "the Master and Margarita" has subconsciously scare most adequate guys. Not because it's bad work, probably due to the fact that the majority of those who indicate such in the "Favorite books", and never in the hands of Bulgakov did not hold. If you want to impress guys with their tastes, of course, specify favorite pieces, but first think about whether you'll scare away all the men.
Of course, you will be added to the friends of the young people wishing to communicate. Start the conversation calmly, do not abuse emoticons, and Internet slang. Remember that online, as in real life, guys don't like it when the girl easily says Yes to everything. Don't be rude, chat with the sarcasm, with humor, but also to perform all that he says is not worth it. Before your first appointment you by strangers, and to trust a strange man in your contact information or open very improvidently.