Be a mystery woman. It is not necessary in the first half hour of correspondence to tell him my whole life. Give information portions and try to only talk about the fact that he is interested.
Study companion. The first impression is usually made on the picture, then the information specified in the profile. But very much can be learned by reading between the lines. For example, if he asks a lot of questions about who you work for, who I wanted to be in childhood, what would be your ideal working day, so the guy and he is on the path to becoming, chooses his own path in life.
Decide the purpose of communication. Correspondence with a guy on the Internet is always fun, game. But you can play in different ways. If you just want to while away the evening in pleasant conversation or to fall in love with a stranger for the sake of self-esteem is one thing, but when you do have feelings and want virtual flirting ever grew into something more, then it is quite another.
Write without mistakes. To properly build a sentence to avoid spelling and punctuation mistakes is not easy, but this should strive for. Let your partner realize that communicate with interesting and educated girl. In addition, a properly placed commas make it much easier to communication.
Men also like ears, though afraid to admit it. Feel free to praise him showered with compliments. As said the wise Kupitman in the acclaimed series, even if man does nothing, saying that he was divine does nothing.
Don't hide your feelings. You are dealing with a regular guy, not a telepath and a psychic. He has no idea about what you feel about him, yet you don't say. Some of his phrases well to add emoticons. They give emotional colouring to the words. Just don't overdo it.
Be punctual. If the person you really like, don't ignore his messages and don't be late for virtual Dating. Agreed to be online at 20:00 – go online. However, from unforeseen situations no one is immune. Find a way to send him word of apology.
More positive! Whiners don't like anyone. Try to make reading your message, people were smiling, truly happy with you, shared with you the little joys, boasted of his achievements.
One of the main rules during the virtual (and real too) communication is no word on the former. It is a taboo subject. You do want to fall in love with the guy, not to complain about the difficult of their difficult life. Let him feel that he is the one and only and then will certainly earn his admiration and respect.