Why you need a mug Esmarch

Mug Esmarch is a rubber, silicone or plastic container with a volume of 1-3 litres, with a flexible outlet tube having a length of 2 meters. It can help to get rid of constipation, cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. Mug Esmarch is also used to reduce arterial and intracranial pressure, for introduction through the gut of saline, drugs, etc., It is used before visiting the baths, saunas for effective cleaning of the colon. This device is used in medical institutions and at home.

On sale is a mug Esmarch different volumes from 1 to 2 liters. Product No. 1 holds one liter of water, the product number 2 - half a liter, the product №3 – two liters of fluid. The design of these devices can also be different. Mug Esmarch may be with valves and without them, with hard or soft types of tips, with tips for children. Use a mug Esmarch does not cause toxic and allergic reactions, the device has reusability. You can find and disposable containers that are typically used in healthcare facilities.

How to use a mug Esmarch

To do an enema with the help of this device, you will need about 1.5 liters of water. Water needed pre-boil and cool to an acceptable temperature (25-35oC). Pour liquid into a mug Esmarch, turn the tap on the end of the tube, in order to dislodge from her remaining air and close it. Then hang the device, lubricate the tip of the tube with vegetable oil or vaseline, take the knee-elbow position and enter the tube into the anus. After that open the tap on the tip. The water flow can be adjusted not only tap but also pinch with your fingers the hose.

After all the water from a mug Esmarch go into the colon, it is necessary to carefully extract the tube from the anus, turn over on your back and lift your pelvis. To enhance the effect of the procedure, turn over on your right side and take a few slow and deep breaths. In this position, it is recommended to be within five to fifteen minutes. After that, wait for urge to defecate and go to toilet. Enema safe, however, for this procedure there are a number of contraindications. These include hemorrhoids, inflammatory processes in the colon, internal gastrointestinal bleeding, severe cardiovascular failure.