You will need
  • - tweezers;
  • - antiseptic;
  • needle from the syringe;
  • - hydrogen peroxide.
  • - Ichthyol ointment or ointment Vishnevsky,
  • bint.
In contact with the glass shard in the leg, try as quickly as possible to get rid of him, so she would not have gone deep into the foot and caused a strong purulent inflammation. It is very important in this case to monitor the cleanliness of the hands before removing the shard of glass, wash them thoroughly with bar soap, and the site of lesion treat any antiseptic.
If you see a piece of glass in the foot, then it is not difficult to remove it. This will help you tweezers, treated with alcohol or Cologne. Carefully remove the glass at the same angle under which it entered the leg. If the splinter is close to the skin, it is easy to come to the surface, if the feet should be soaked in water with addition of baking soda or salt water.
If the glass was stuck deep under the skin and left completely in the leg, you will have to resort to using sterile needles. A needle from a medical syringe is perfect, as it is more sharp than sewing. And it has a chute that you can pick up a glass. Gently vsporite the skin with the needle and lift the splinter up so that it can be easy to pick up with tweezers. This procedure should be carried out in a well lit area, if the fragment is too small you need a magnifying glass.
If the splinter is very small, try to put pressure on the affected area of the leg on both sides. In this case, it is likely that it will be released independently. In any case, do not make any incisions at the location of the glass. Not only can you get an infection, and damage to blood vessels and nerve tubule.
After removing the glass shard from foot how it should treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or green paint. If the wound is not bleeding and small, can simply glue the plasters antiseptic.
It is possible to facilitate the entry of fragment a natural way to do this, gauze bandage with Ichthyol ointment or ointment Vishnevsky and apply to the damaged area. Leave this compress on all night, by morning the splinter should come up to the surface of the skin, will just have to extract it with tweezers.