The service "Beeline-Coordinates" will help to find the location of the person

To locate a person by phone number by using services of "Beeline Coordinates." To do this:

1. To obtain the consent of the person whose location will be required later to track what you need to send a message to the number 4770 indicating his name and number (for example, John 9031114445). The owner of the number will receive SMS-notification, which States that the other party requested a permit to determine its position, and if he agrees, then you need to send a confirmation SMS with text "Yes" to number 4770.

2. At any time send a message to the number 4770 to "9031114445" or "Ivan".

To activate the service "Beeline-Coordinates" in two ways:

- sending a message without text to the number 4770;

- calling to the service number 0665.

To disconnect the service by sending a message with the text "Off" to 4770.

The service is available to track the numbers that are in network and if the phone is turned off, the request will not be processed. The accuracy of determining the location of the subscriber is 250-1000 m. using the service "Beeline-Coordinates, you can monitor not more than 5 subscribers of the mobile network, the request rate should not be less than 5 minutes.

Sending requests using the call or message is free. New users to be able to locate a person by phone number is available 7 days free use of the service, and then charged the monthly fee in the amount of 1.7 rubles per each day of its use.

To know the location of the person using the services from Beeline "Locator"

Not less convenient service to track the phone number is the service Locator, which is available both on your smartphone or tablet, and phone. To use the service on a smartphone with Android operating system, simply install the appropriate application. For this you need to dial the number 09853, and the operator will receive a link with which you can install the application. To use the program as follows:

- open the app and click on the search button;

- choose the phone number you want to find;

- click "Show map" opens a map showing the location of the desired subscriber.

Before determining the location of the subscriber on the phone number, you can enter data into the application, after which the operator will request the consent for tracking number. And only after that it will be possible to obtain relevant information.

Don't worry, if you don't have a smartphone, because the service "the Locator" you can use using a normal phone. You only need to perform few steps:

1. To activate the service by dialing 09853 and following the prompts of a voice service, or sending a message without text to the number 5166.

2. To obtain the consent of the person whose phone you want to monitor, what should be in the services menu, select "Find a member" and follow the instructions to add the number. Added number will receive a request to provide consent for tracking his numbers. If he agrees, it must send a reply message with the text "Yes".

3. After receiving consent to go into the service menu by sending a message to a room 5166, select "Find subscriber", which contains a list of subscribers who have agreed tracking their numbers.

4. Select from the list interested in a room and ask search. Then should come a message that contains a link to a map and coordinates of the place where this is desired by the subscriber.

To locate a person by phone number using the service Locator, by sending a message to a room 5166 with text that specifies the required subscriber number (e.g., "where 9035551116"). In response should receive a text message with information about the location of the object.

Calls and sending messages to a service number, service Locator, are free. The new user service are given a free test period of 7 days, after which the subscription fee for the day is 3 rubles.

This way you can locate a person by phone number not only Beeline, but MTS, MegaFon. Find a person you can if he is online, otherwise, when the disconnected phone service is not working. The number of rooms that can be made to the list of monitored, should be no more than 5, and the search can be carried out not more th after 5 minutes.

Services for tracing mobile numbers from Beeline are working on the territory of Russia, which makes their use even more convenient and popular.