If you use the tariff plans provided by the company "MTS" connect a service called "Locator". With its help, you can find out the location of the phone and its owner. To use the service Locator to access it, send from mobile phone sms. In the letter specify phone number of the subscriber, the location where you want to learn. Then send an SMS to a four digit number 6677. Can connect a Locator via the Internet. To do this, go to the website and click on the section "Locator".
If you are a subscriber of "Beeline", send sms to three-digit number 684 to use the search. In the text, specify the letter L. the Price of each such request is 2.05 ruble.
For the subscriber of the cellular operator "MegaFon" can use one of two ways. The first is only available on certain tariff plans of "MegaFon", as it is designed for children and their parents. On the website (official site of the company "MegaFon") is a complete list of specific tariff plans designed to determine the location of the subscriber. Such tariff plans will eventually be replaced, that is why by yourself, visit the website and review the information.
The second method is available for all clients of "MegaFon", regardless of the choice of rate is at the moment. Go to the section on the company website, located at There you can see with this service. To learn the location of the subscriber, on the official website of the company will complete the application and return it to the operator "MegaFon". After receipt of your application for your cell phone will receive a text message, which will contain the exact coordinates of the subscriber.