Use the special search service "Mobile locator" if you need to find out where the number Beeline. To activate this service, simply call on the number 06849924 or use the short number 684, sending a message to it with the letter "L". You will be available a special box in which to specify the number of the desired subscriber.
Make a request and wait for a bit. The subscriber will receive a message asking you to confirm your location, but he may reply with acceptance or refusal. If he approves the request, you will receive data about its location. Price for one request is only 2-3 rubles depending on the region and the connected rate.
Pay attention to the services of other operators. To determine the location of a subscriber of Beeline, it is not necessary to have the SIM card of this operator. For example, if you are a customer of MegaFon, you can use one of two services that can help you learn where there is room Beeline. The first one is suitable for parents who want to stay updated on the movements of their child, and affordable rates "Smeshariki" and "Ring-Ding". To use the services by making a request to *141#. Even if your child uses the services of Beeline, and you are not in your room you will receive a message with its coordinates.
In addition, clients of MegaFon can determine the location of Beeline subscribers using the site or through a call at 0888. With this you get a map of the designated coordinates. You can also make a search query via USSD-command *148*(number)#. Specify a room through +7. The cost of a single treatment will cost 5 rubles.
Use the service Locator to determine the location of the subscriber Beeline, if you are in the area of the MTS. Send a request to the short number 6677. Specify in the text the number of the person you need to find, as well as his name. The person must also give their consent to the location. Only then you will get its coordinates. For each message sent will have to pay about 10 rubles.