The purpose of the icons

Icon "the Holy Trinity", symbolically embodying wisdom, intelligence and love, is the main Shrine of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. It is considered that "Trinity" must be in every home, as it is important in the destiny of man. Before the icon have to confess, asking for forgiveness of sins, pray for those who lost hope.

The image of the Saviour has always been a favorite in Russia, it is no coincidence that the face of the Savior was depicted on the banners of the Russian soldiers. To Save being asked to forgive sins, to heal diseases, to instruct on the right path. There is another type of image of the Saviour, called Christ Pantocrator, which appears as a heavenly king and judge. Before this image we have to thank God and to pray for their loved ones and to ask life's problems.

There are many versions of the mother of God. This is due to the fact that the blessed virgin appeared to people in different areas and at different times. And painters reflect its appearance in the icons, which were then adopted by the Church. In the book Eugene Poselyanin, written in the late 19th century, is mentioned more than six hundred icons of the virgin, worked miracles. The most famous and revered Vladimir, Kazan, Tikhvin, of the Iveron icon. In difficult for Russia the Protectress of the Russian people was made by the Kazan icon of the Mother of God. Since the baptism of Kazanskaya mother of God helps a person in work, blesses entering into a legal marriage, stop the fire. In their worldly needs people can always access it. Waiting for the accomplishment of important life events, should pray the Vladimir mother of God, whose image was accompanied by raised to the throne of the kings. This virgin can ask for the healing of the soul and bodily weakness, softening of a hard heart. The Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God is considered a guide to preserving human in a long journey. Icon of the guardian, the protector against evil forces, diseases, enemies and slander is the Iveron mother of God.

Russian people at all times, with a special love for the Holy Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. The icon with his image, you must purchase the house because it protects the family's prosperity, saves from want. Nicholas protects travelers, standing up for the unfairly punished people.

The GreatMartyr Panteleimon gave healing from serious disease during his lifetime. Saint Panteleimon ask health and aid in overcoming ailments.

"Modern" refers venerated saints of the Blessed Matrona, to the relics which with different requests every day comes a huge number of people.

St. Sergius of Radonezh is the patron of pupils and students. The icon with his face need to take with you when going to study or the exam. Those people whose work is connected with great risk to life (e.g., military, firefighters, rescue workers), protects from troubles St. George.

Every person there is an icon-the patroness and Protectress. To define the "my" icon at the date of birth.

Prayer before the images of Saints

Standing in front of the icons, you need to pray, that is, to lead with the Saints by sincere conversation with a request for help. This mental conversation has to be correct, then it will be heard.

Referring to Holy, not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts, need to focus and not to pretend. You can say the prayer aloud or in a whisper, but with feeling. Need to ask only about spiritual care for yourself and others, but not material. Before asking the Saints or apologies are conveyed for the personal sins. Turn to God with their requests need a long time, and not wait for their execution immediately. It is important not to lose faith, patience and hope.

To turn to God in the temple and at home, but it is believed that the prayers of the Church prevailed.