Saint Luke – who is he

St. Luke was canonized only in 1995, but the healing he asked for and revered as a great healer long before the Orthodox Church recognized him as a Saint.

Saint Luke, born Valentin Voyno-Yasnetsky, was the son of a pharmacist. After graduating from the Kiev medical faculty, in 1904, he was sent to the far East, where there was the Russo-Japanese war. It was there that he received his first experience in conducting surgical operations to the young doctor.

Before each operation Valentine asked God's mercy for ourselves and for the patient, and his name the Lord was always in his lips. When pulmonary tuberculosis, in 1917, the death of his wife, Valentine threw herself into her work and religion, repeatedly spoke at meetings of theologians, and then took Holy orders. The outspoken commitment to Christianity, Valentine was three times condemned by the Soviet authorities to exile, but even there he continued to practice medicine, perform complex surgery in a totally unsuitable for this environment.

In 1942, Luke received the rank of Archbishop, and later, for achievements in medicine were even awarded the Stalin prize.

Any disease heals the icon with the face of St. Luke

The icon with the face of St. Luke pilgrims and petitioners with a variety of troubles. It is known, and that there is a lot of evidence that it helps in healing and from spiritual and physical ailments.

Pregnant women ask health for themselves and for the baby, young mothers pray for the health begat a child. Many people come from afar to worship the icon of St. Luke and to ask for help for loved ones who are undergoing treatment for serious illnesses.

Especially noticeable his help to those who need complicated surgical operations. After referring to the icon of St. Luke, many patients noted a significant improvement in their condition, the surgery was successful, and in some cases were cancelled, and even medical professionals recognized that a miraculous healing occurred without their intervention.

Wonderful facts related to the icon of St. Luke

The miraculous power of the icon is confirmed by the real facts of life. For example, in Dnipropetrovsk injured in an accident on the mend after their house was taken the icon with the face of St. Luke and the particles of his relics.

The Greek physician, after realized that medical means could not save the family of Muslims from poisoning, obtain for them healing by the icon of St. Luke.