Very often when preparing various dishes the hostess notices that the pepper is bitter. Do not be upset and throw a vegetable with bitter taste. There are several ways to get rid of its bitterness, each of which depends on what kind of pepper is used, and what dish you intend to cook.
Soaking in cold water is quite well-known way of getting rid of bitterness. But it is best to apply it to pepper. Pre-open vegetable and free from the stalk and seeds. Soak the peppers should be 20-30 minutes, after that it can be used according to the recipe.
Scalding hot water followed by soaking in cold water is rarely suitable for acute varieties as it doesn't take away the bitterness. Moreover, high temperature can increase the pungency. This method is recommended for moderately bitter varieties of pepper. It is necessary to scald the vegetable in boiling water and immediately soak in cold water for 20 minutes.
If you use this vegetable to prepare Lecho, matbucha or other slightly spicy salads, the bitterness can be removed by adding tomatoes. The pepper washed, cleaned, sliced and stewed with the addition of onions, couple of cloves of garlic and tomatoes. The fighting is also well eliminates the bitterness.
If you use red chili pepper for cooking any food, it must be remembered that the major enzymes that cause severe burning, are found in the seeds and peel. Markedly reduces the severity roasting peppers on the grill or in the oven and then removing the skins. It is recommended to remove the seeds before heat treatment. Not to get a nasty burn your hands, you must do this procedure wearing rubber gloves. If gloves were not at hand, and there was an unpleasant burning of the skin, thoroughly wipe your hands with olive oil for one minute and then thoroughly wash them with hot water and soap.
Another proven method of ridding the vegetable of bitterness – deep freeze. However, freezing does not remove the bitter taste of pepper, but rather stores it. This method is effective only in conjunction with pre-scalding and soaking.
To deal with the bitter taste using a pre-marinating in a weak solution of vinegar. To do this, 1 tbsp 3 % vinegar mixed with 500 ml of water. The resulting solution pepper should withstand 30-40 minutes.
All methods of disposal pepper from bitterness should be used depending on which dish you decide to cook, what recipe you choose, and what method of treatment of vegetables you intend to apply.